eDMS Software Implementation Packages

FileHold implementation packages

Installation fees can be a substantial part of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). The FileHold Cloud eliminates installation effort and IT support completely. For your on-premise or private cloud deployment FileHold eliminates that risk with our "fixed fee" assistance plan. 

User training guarantees the success of your project. FileHold offers a variety of live and recorded training options that ensure optional usage of the many productivity features.

FileHold software implementations


FileHold document management software is an out-of-the-box solution that ships with multiple configurable user roles and can be user configured to create a friendly file structure. The software installation is fast and easy to install compared to "platform" based products that can require consultation and IT resources measured in weeks not hours. FileHold offers an online knowledge base, training videos, and best practice documentation. For more information on installation and training contact: [email protected]

FileHold Cloud – Azure-Hosted

FileHold provides a fully prepared and supported Cloud option hosted on the Microsoft Azure platform.  The "Cloud" can be installed in the part of the world a customer specifies.  In this delivery, all IT services including system / documents back-up, server tuning, and eventual product upgrades are all taken care of by FileHold.  No customer IT resources are ever required. Each customer receives their own uniquely installed secure server that is personalized to their configuration of users and features.  This package is delivered at a fixed fee so there are never any expensive surprises.  Immediately after installation, this server is ready for training and full usage to begin. To learn more about the FileHold Cloud go to www.filehold.com/features/FileHold-Cloud

“On-premise” or "private cloud" installations

FileHold software can be installed on your own correctly prepared “on-premise” virtual or physical server or your own “cloud” environment.  The complete installation is delivered by FileHold service technicians using remote services. FileHold also provides a completely documented installation process guide so that your knowledgeable Network and Microsoft-trained IT administrators can prepare the required server and install FileHold software themselves.  No matter how long the installation takes the charges are fixed.

The Orientation Assistance Package consists of:

  • A kick-off meeting to understand the goals and objectives of the project and the division of responsibilities.
  • Provide detailed documentation and Q&A on preparation and provision of a server for installation of the document management software.
  • Support the customer in identifying the needed Microsoft components in preparation for the FileHold install.
  • Post-server inspection using the FileHold health checker.
  • FileHold Software Installation: Support installing the software server, the desktop applications, and the provided document SmartSoft scanning software.
  • Finally, FileHold will do a complete post-install inspection of the system. This ensures that backups have been set up, that server tuning has been done, and that the system is running perfectly on a technical level based on more than 250 system checks by the FileHold health checker.

From the kick-off meeting to full deployment, these installation processes are delivered for a fixed fee so that customers know exactly what their expense will be ahead of time and ensure FileHold software is training ready.

Training packages

In addition to providing an excellent online Knowledge Base (KB), FileHold also provides administrator and end-user training delivered using remote meeting tools. Customers can purchase the ideal training package for their needs and schedule it at their convenience. The sales team will review and recommend options at the time of purchase, but these can be modified to meet specific customer needs.

FileHold offers training in the use, optimization, and deployment of FileHold, but these packages do not include system design, document taxonomy, or operational consultation. FileHold is happy to discuss your use case and share our experience with best practices guide – we want your deployment to be as successful as possible too – but this training is not a substitute for document management consultation. The philosophy to FileHold training is give each customer the basic skills to use the software to fit each organization’s needs, following the “teach a person to fish” ethos.  For more information contact: [email protected]

FileHold Fundamentals

The most popular implementation package for mastering the optimal use of FileHold. This is often the perfect starting point for smaller deployments, or where the project does not involve intensive use of optional features. It is also ideal for those who have had some prior document or records management software experience.  This package consists of 8 hours of remote training, with the customer making use of the FileHold training materials and video tours to supplement the in-person training sessions. These hours are available for use one year from purchase and must be consumed. Typically, these follow a "train the trainer" approach for internal deployment.

The package consists of the following components for a total of 8 hours:

  • Training on System and Library Administration including user rights configuration, document schemas, and metadata structuring - 4 hours
  • End-user administration training - 2 hours
  • Introduction to a specific features, like workflow or SmartSoft Capture – 2 hours

Unlimited Training

Designed for larger deployments where extra training or more complex deployments may be useful, the unlimited training package offers “train the trainer” and administration training for the optimal use of FileHold through online remote meeting tools. Unlimited training offers flexibility to defer deployment elements or pursue richer understanding of FileHold’s out-of-the-box standard and optional features. The Fundamentals program can also be part of unlimited training, including refresher training for new administration hires or to review new versions of FileHold. Unlimited training is available in perpetuity so long as the organization is on FileCare.

Training topics can include the FileHold Fundamentals program, enhanced use of workflow, or Courier for document transmission and approval. Click here for more information about the FileHold training curriculum.

If you are an existing FileHold customer, ask your sales representative about upgrading to the unlimited training program to keep your team optimized in the use of FileHold. Questions  can be sent to [email protected].

Additional hourly training

Outside of the Fundamentals and unlimited training programs, some organizations look for training for custom deployments of FileHold, one-on-one training for team members, or creating custom resources for reference, such as documentation or training videos. These are offered as hourly training, and your sales representative can create a quote for your review.

Beyond basic installation and training – The Professional Services team

For customers who want to go even further and set up a very advanced system, FileHold has a Professional Services (PS) team.  Some activities that might be contracted to this team include:

  • Migration – moving documents from a legacy system, from a fileshare, from SharePoint or some other DMS.  FileHold has deep expertise in migrating those document including metadata into a structured FileHold system.
  • Database Integrations – FileHold can connect to other software’s back-end database to lookup and import metadata. This process can benefit from the technical knowledge of the PS team to assist in making these connections happen, and teaching how to create these for future reference.
  • High volume Scanning – If there are plans to convert a large volume of physical documents into electronic ones either by using in-house resources or a scanning bureau, FileHold PS can help.
  • Integration – If there is a need to integrate with another system FileHold has both “out of the box” and custom solutions our PS team can deliver.
  • The API – FileHold has a fully documented API that is available at no charge if a customer wants to use it themselves. The FileHold PS team can be contracted to deploy API for custom projects. both services are available.
  • Active Directory – This is an optional module that sometimes needs to be deployed/configured in a unique way – FileHold PS can help.
  • The FileHold Forms Portal – Still in preview mode this portal allows anyone outside of FileHold to check out, complete, and submit forms directly into a workflow process.

For more information use the general information form and tell us how many users you are considering and any of the optional modules that are of interest.

Jumpstart Templates

(Coming Soon)

FileHold has provided a set of sample structures as part of all new installations of FileHold. These are examples of common use cases for document management in different sectors. The Jumpstart Templates are intended to be modified as needed to suit your organizational needs. The Jumpstart Templates consist of a schema with metadata, workflow, auto-filing, and event templates pre-configured from standard use cases.

Jumpstart Templates give you practical references to see how FileHold can work for your organization. Generic samples of a document or record in each schema have been provided to see how metadata, search, and custom views work, and help you to configure your system as soon as possible. The Jumpstart Templates are intended to work with your FileHold training for optimizing the use of FileHold.

Jumpstart Template Schemas

The following schemas are provided for your use and modification:

Schema: AP Invoices







2023 (Year of the invoice)

Metadata fields

Invoice Number (Text, required)

 (format, requirement)

Invoice Vendor (Text, required)


Invoice Date (Date, read-only)


Invoice Total (Currency)


Invoice Review


External Review

Custom Naming

AP_Accounting_Invoice Number_Accounting_Invoice Vendor_Accounting_Invoice Date(MM-dd-yyyy)


File to Accounting/AP/Year of invoice


Archive after 2 years; uses Invoice Date to trigger


Delete after 7 years; uses

Public Saved Search

Quick search for AP Invoices/Invoice Number

Public Saved Folder View

AP Invoices


Schema: Contracts








Metadata fields

Contract_Type (Drop-down, required)

 (format, requirement)

Contract_Counterparty Name (text, required)


Contract_Value (Currency)


Contract_Expiry/Renewal Date (date, read-only)


Contract_Owner (text)


Contract Review


External Review

Custom Naming

Contract_Type_Contract_Counterparty Name_Contract_Expiry/Renewal Date




Contract archive after 2 years


Contract reminder before renewal/expiration

Public Saved Search

Contract by counterparty

Public Saved Folder View



Schema: Inspection (Property Management)


Property Management





Metadata fields

PM_Physical Address (text, required)

 (format, requirement)

PM_Date of Inspection (date, read-only)


PM_Nature of Inspection (text)


PM_Emergency? (checkbox)


PM_Inspector (text)


PM_Date of Vacancy (date, read-only)


Inspection Review


External Review

Custom Naming

  PM_Nature of Inspection_PM_Physical Address_PM_Date of Inspection




PM Archive after 2 year


  PM Delete 10 years after vacancy

Public Saved Search

Inspection Address

Public Saved Folder View



Schema: Job Application (Human Resources)







Metadata fields

HR_Applicant Last Name (Text, required)

 (format, requirement)

HR_Applicant First Name(s) (text, required)


HR_Position Applied for (text, required)


HR_Type of Position (drop-down menu)


HR_Date of Application (date, read-only)


HR Job Application Review


External Review

Custom Naming

HR_Position Applied for_HR_Date of Application_HR_Applicant Last Name (HR_Type of Position)


  Job Applications


HR Archive 1 year after application


  HR Delete 5 years after application date

Public Saved Search

Jop application full/part/contractor

Public Saved Folder View

Job Application


Schema: Minutes (Meetings)




Meeting Minutes



Metadata fields

Minutes_Date of Meeting (date, read-only)

 (format, requirement)

Minutes_Meeting Type (drop-down menu, required)


Minutes_Meeting Title (text, required)


Minutes_Meeting Location (text)


Notes (text, clear at check-in)


Meeting Minutes Approval


External Review

Custom Naming

Minutes_Meeting Title_Minutes_Meeting Type_Minutes_Date of Meeting


Meeting Minutes


  Minutes Preserve @ 30 days


Minutes Archive after 2 years

Public Saved Search

Meeting minutes by type of mtg

Public Saved Folder View



Schema: SOP (Standard Operating Procedures)







Metadata fields

SOP_ID Number (text, required)

 (format, requirement)

SOP_Title (text, required)


SOP_Related SOPs (text)


SOP_Department (text)


SOP_Date of Implementation (date, read-only)


SOP review


External Review

Custom Naming

  SOP_Document name_SOP_ID Number_SOP_Date of Implementation




SOP Annual Review

Public Saved Search

SOP ID Number

Public Saved Folder View



Schema: Training Record








Metadata fields

Training Subject

 (format, requirement)







Training process review


External Review

Custom Naming

Training_Name _Training_Subject_Training_Date




  Training Archive after 4 years


  Training Annual reminder

Public Saved Search

Training subjects

Public Saved Folder View

Training Record

How to edit Jumpstart Templates

All elements of the Jumpstart Templates are free to be modified however you need. These templates are not locked so they can be edited like any other schema, metadata, events, etc. Creation and modification of schema, metadata, events, library structure, and all other elements listed in the schema above is part of your FileHold Fundamentals training. Instructions for how to modify schema can be found in our Knowledge Base:


Metadata fields






Custom Naming



Public Saved Search

Public Saved Folder View

Deleting Jumpstart Templates

If you have a Jumpstart Template that does not benefit your organization’s use case for FileHold, you are free to remove them.

Some elements of FileHold are used as templates for others: for instance, each cabinet has a default schema associated with it. To delete the schema, you would first need to delete the cabinet or assign a different schema. As a rule of thumb, start by deleting the associated elements before you delete the main element.

Deleting Public Saved Folder Views:

(Note: requires Administration rights to access)

  1. In the FDA: Go to View Preferences… (File>Preferences & Settings>View Preferences…)

               In the Web client: Go To Administration>Full Administration menu. Under “My FileHold”, choose             “View Preferences”

  1. Select a View to Modify: Choose “Folder List”
  2. Under “Select View”, choose the view you would like to delete and press the “delete” button.

NOTE: Deleted views cannot be recovered and are permanently deleted.

  1. Under “Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected view?”, click “OK”.
  2. Continue the process until all saved views you want to be deleted are removed.

Deleting Public Saved Searches:

(Note: requires Administration rights to access)

  1. In either the FDA or web client, look at the left menu under “Search” and locate the saved search you want to delete.
  2. Right-click the saved search and select “delete” from the menu.

NOTE: Deleted views cannot be recovered and are permanently deleted.

  1. You will see a warning about deleting saved searches. Click “OK” to proceed with the delete.

Deleting Events:

(Note: you will need to have the role of Library Administrator or greater to delete Events)

Events that are associated with a schema cannot be deleted until they are removed from the schema. Note: it is not necessary to delete the event: if it is unassociated with the schema, it will not appear as an option for the schema, and the event may be used, modified, or deleted later.

Step 1 – Remove the event from the schema:

  1. Open the schema settings (Administration>Library Configuration>Document schemas) and select the schema you need to remove the event from. In the FDA, click the schema name to open edit settings. In the web client, select the schema and then click “Edit schema”.
  2. Select the “Event Schedule” tab. Clear the related “Convert to Record”, “Archive”, or “Delete” event by selecting “Never” from the drop-down menu. Clear Notifications by unchecking the checkboxes in front of the associated notification.
  3. Click “OK”.

Step 2 – Delete the Event

  1. In the FDA: Go to the Events (Administration>Library Configuration>Events)

In the web client: Go to the Full Administration menu, then Library Configuration>Events)

  1. Locate the Event you would like to delete. To delete the event, it must not be used in any schemas. Confirm the “Schemas used in” in empty, and select the event.

NOTE: Deleted events cannot be recovered and are permanently deleted. There is no warning screen, so once step 3 is done, it cannot be undone.

  1. Click “Delete” from the menu.

Deleting Auto-filing Templates

(Note: you will need to have the role of Library Administrator or greater to delete Auto-filing Templates)

Auto-filing templates that are associated with a schema cannot be deleted until they are removed from that schema. Note: it is not necessary to delete the auto-filing template: if it is unassociated with the schema, it will not appear as an option for the schema, and the template may be used, modified, or deleted later.

Step 1 – Remove the auto-filing templates from the schema:

  1. Open the schema settings (Administration>Library Configuration>Document schemas) and select the schema you need to remove the auto-filing template from. In the FDA, click the schema name to open edit settings. In the web client, first select the schema and then click “Edit schema”.
  2. Select the “Auto Filing” tab. Change the selection to “Auto-filing off”.
  3. Click “OK”.

Step 2 – Delete the Auto-filing template.

  1. Auto-filing templates can only be deleted using the web client. In the FDA, go to Administration>Web Administration Panel. In the web client, select Administration>Full Administration Menu. Go to Library Configuration and select Auto-filing templates.
  2. Locate the Auto-filing template you would like to delete. To delete the template, it must not be used in any schemas. These may not be listed – FileHold will inform if they are associated with any schema. Select the template(s) checkbox. It should be highlighted in blue to indicate selection. Ensure only the templates you wish to delete are selected.
  3. Click “Delete” from the menu. You will be asked to confirm.

NOTE: Auto-filing templates cannot be recovered and are permanently deleted.

  1. Click “Yes” to confirm.

Deleting Custom Naming

(Note: you will need to have the role of Library Administrator or greater to modify naming conventions)

If you plan to delete the schema, you can skip this step.

Naming conventions are controlled by the schema and applied to the documents when they are added to the FileHold Library.

To restore the original file name:

  1. (Both FDA and web client) Open the schema settings (Administration>Library Configuration>Document Schemas).
  2. Select the schema with the naming convention. If using the web client, click “Edit Schema”.
  3. Choose the “Custom Naming” tab.
  4. In the drop-down menu under the profile field, change all except the first to “None Selected”. For the first field, choose “Original Filename”. If there are any values in the “Field Mask” column, delete the contents:

  1. Click “Save”. You may see a warning that this will change the existing documents. If you have more than a hundred documents in the repository, you may want to wait on this change until there is little organizational use of FileHold.

To turn off the naming standardization:

  1. (Both FDA and web client) Open the schema settings (Administration>Library Configuration>Document Schemas).
  2. Select the schema with the naming convention. If using the web client, click “Edit Schema”.
  3. Choose the “Custom Naming” tab.
  4. At the top, under “Rename files belonging to this schema”, select “Do not rename files. Use the existing file name (default)”.
  5. Click “Save”. You may see a warning that this will change the existing documents. If you have more than a hundred documents in the repository, you may want to wait on this change until there is little organizational use of FileHold.

Deleting Workflow & Courier Templates

(Note: you will need to have a role of Library Administrator or greater to modify schema or delete Workflow and/or Courier templates)

Workflow templates must be removed from the schema before they can be deleted. Workflow templates and Courier templates must not be active (as in, have documents going through that process) to be deleted.

To remove workflow or Courier templates from schema:

  1. (Both FDA and web client) Open the schema settings (Administration>Library Configuration>Document Schemas).
  2. Select the schema with the naming convention. If using the web client, click “Edit Schema”.
  3. Choose the “Workflow” or “Courier” tab.
  4. Click the red x () beside the workflow or Courier templates you want to remove from the schema.
  5. Click “OK”.

To delete workflow or Courier templates:

  1. Open the Workflow template menu (Administration>Workflow Management>Workflow Templates).
  2. Locate the template to delete. Confirm the column “Schemas Used In” is empty. Click the red x () beside the workflow or Courier templates you want to delete.

NOTE: Workflow and Courier templates cannot be recovered and are permanently deleted.

  1. You may receive a warning that you are about to delete the template. Click “OK” to delete, or “Cancel” if you do not want to delete it.

Cabinets, Drawers, and Folders

(Note: to delete a Cabinet, you will need to have the role of Library Administrator and own the cabinet; to delete drawers, you will need to have the role of Cabinet or Library administrator; to delete folders, you will need to have a role of Publisher & Delete or greater and own the folder. Senior Library Administrator and System Administrators have inherent permission to delete Cabinet, Drawers, and Folders).

Library objects can be deleted by right-clicking the object and selecting the delete option from the menu. If the option to delete does not appear in the list, then you do not have permission to delete it.

The user on the left shows the delete option; the user on the right does not have permission to delete cabinets.

When deleting cabinets, drawers, or folders, the contents (documents, records, and offline documents) of these library objects will also be deleted. The contents can be recovered using the “Recover Documents” tool in the Full administration menu (Library Management>Recover Documents”). If Library objects – cabinets, drawers, or folders - are deleted without content, they are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. If the structure is deleted, any object recovered will also recover the deleted structure.

Documents, records, or offline documents going through workflow or with active Courier templates, or that have been checked out, cannot be deleted. This will also prevent the Library object they are contained in to not be able to be deleted as well. Once the workflow or Courier transmission is no longer running, or the check-out is complete, the library object can be deleted.

Deleting Schema

(Note: you will need to have the role of Library Administrator or greater to delete schema)

Before a schema can be deleted, it will need to have associated events and auto-filing templates removed. The schema can not be the default for any cabinets or folders, or else FileHold will prevent it from being deleted. No documents, records, or offline documents can be associated with the schema to delete it.

  1. (Both FDA and web client) Open Schema Management (Administration>Library Configuration>Document Schemas).
  2. Locate the schema you would like to delete. Click the red x () beside the schema you want to delete.

NOTE: Deleted schemas cannot be recovered and are permanently deleted. There is no warning screen, so once step 2 is done, it cannot be undone.


Packaged installation and training keeps the total cost of ownership (TCO) low

The standard implementation packages guarantee a successful installation and user training. The software will be delivered and installed using proven remote installation services via Web conferencing software. Professional technicians work remotely with your IT administrators, document librarians and users to install the server software and conduct training as needed.

The remote installation technology has been proven with over 50,000 user installs and is secure. This is a secure way of working with the document management software and leaves you in control at all times. This approach has been proven with 100% of our customers.

The advantages of this software implementation methodology are both cost and time savings:

  • No travel time or costs are incurred
  • Schedules can be changed on fairly short notice - flexible
  • The very short times that IT staff can dedicate to a single project can be accommodated
  • The entire work day is available to find the best time
  • Multiple people at different locations can be accommodated at the same time
  • Training can be in delivered in manageable pieces to allow implementations to occur at a fast or slow pace, depending on your requirements