FileCare - Never-ending Software Support
"FileHold has been a great asset to our organization. The support staff always rapidly responds to any request and the level of support is unmatched by any software developer I have experienced. I recommend their full product to anybody who wants to improve their document handling needs."
-Miles Bradford; Senior Quality Engineer
A FileCare subscription protects customers against never-ending operating system upgrades
FileCare ensures your FileHold software stays current in an ever-changing IT world. Every day new document formats, new document scanners, and new software operating systems are being introduced into your technology infrastructure. Customers on FileCare receive hot-fixes, service packs, dot releases or major releases that keep you current with these changes at no charge. Customers on FileCare can add new features or user licenses at any time.
With FileCare you will never have to buy new Document Management software as your plans for the "paperless office" become a reality. FileHold software will evolve as your organization and your IT infrastructure changes and grows. Customers with an active FileCare subscription get free remote online technical assistance when they upgrade from one version of FileHold to another. Learn more about the Service Level Agreement of the FileCare program.
When new Microsoft Windows Server platforms or SQL databases are released, and you need to upgrade, FileHold provides billable professional services consulting to help you move to the new platforms. Billable Professional assistance is also available for customers wanting to upgrade the server FileHold is hosted on or a change to the environment.
The FileCare subscription provides software technical support
Customers who purchase FileHold Software or FileHold Cloud receive unlimited technical support as part of the FileCare program. FileHold support technicians use e-mail and web meeting software to help solve issues efficiently and easily.
The support process starts by a customer sending an email to [email protected] with a brief description of the issue or a question. The email request will be assigned to the next available technician or trainer who will respond via e-mail or telephone or even set up a remote support session via the remote meeting tool. FileHold provides a "health checker" tool to rapidly diagnose all components of the system and help to troubleshoot any issues. Customers on FileCare subscription get technical support as well as answers to questions on "best practices" in document scanning and library structures. Customers on FileCare have access to web-based training system and online help, which provides web delivered multimedia training 24 x 7 x 365.
Cloud installations are totally delivered and supported by FileHold, on premise or private cloud implementations have a 2-hour implementation guarantee on a correctly prepared server. Technical installation support and training packages are offered with every sale. A standard remote implementation package plus being on FileCare has proven to be a successful combination with customers and keeps the Total Cost of Ownership low. Customers on FileCare subscription are supported when adding new users or optional features at no cost other than the licensing fee. The process can be as simple as an e-mail exchange with a support technician.
Software support beyond FileCare
Staff changes, your evolving IT environment, complex document scanning challenges and even unexpected disaster will require technical support that is beyond the normal FileCare agreement. Additional billable services are available such as: end user training, custom self-paced training packages, train the trainer, onsite installation, advice on backup and disaster recovery and business continuity best practices. For operating system upgrades or migration to a new server, fixed fee packages are offered. Learn about the steps to ensure successful disaster recovery.
FileHold users who do not have a FileCare subscription can not receive upgrades or any security patches that may be developed, can not add users or features or reconfigure the license. If not on FileCare and technical support is needed, and if FileHold believes it can resolve the issue, it will be billed at $500.00 per incident paid in advance.
Additional support services
Although not a part of the FileCare program, a number of other services are available from the professional service group. These services may be contracted on a fixed fee bases or charged on a time and materials basis:
- Document Management Best Practices Consulting.
- Migrations to newer operating systems or to the "Cloud"
- Server health check up / systems management.
- General server administration, including user and security issues.
- Managing software upgrades, e.g. Windows Server and Microsoft SQL-Server.
- Data archiving.
- Disaster recovery tests.
- Creating custom reports.
- Analysis of the customer software environment.
- Analysis of existing data within File directories and other repositories.
- General assistance with third party software.
- General assistance with hardware compatibility issues.
- Consulting on Document Management best practices.
- Importation of data into FileHold systems.
- Configuration of zonal scanning, full-text and imaging systems.
For more information on pricing and additional benefits of the FileCare support agreement, contact [email protected].