Medical Records Software in Healthcare

According to federal law, patients have the right to obtain copies of most medical records. Doctors' notes, medical test results, lab reports and billing information must be supplied if properly requested. An electronic records management software system makes if fast and efficient to search, find and provide those records.

Managing healthcare documents and records

A medical record is a systematic documentation of a patient's short or long long-term individual medical history. It can consist of a physical or electronic folder for each individual patient and for the body of information which comprises the total of each patients health history. Medical records are personal documents and must have high level security ensuring only those with correct authorization have access to them, The records must be appropriately stored and have rigorous archiving and disposition policies.

Read a case study on how one healthcare organization automated the processing of insurance forms.

Record control features for healthcare

Managing and storing thousands of physical records used to be time consuming and inefficient. Records management software addresses the most common needs of Healthcare organizations:

  • Security - Granular user rights ensures that users only have access to documents they have the rights to see. The records management software provides 10 different user roles ranging from "read only" to the ability to publish or delete documents.
  • Ease of use - The records management software needs to be intuitive and reflect real world operations that most users are comfortable with. Tight integration with Microsoft Office tools make the use intuitive.
  • Built in scanning, fax and MFC interface - The records management software will gather electronic information from many sources so it needs to have a simple way of importing and storing images that are generated by otter devices. Documents can be scanned and sent directly to the records management software.

Read our case study on scanning and filing medical insurance claims into the records management software.

Food and Drug Administration 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance

Read the white paper on how document management software offers features that will help companies comply with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 21 CFR Part 11.