Print to FileHold and AutoFiling
This White Paper briefly explains the Print-to-FileHold(PTF) functionality and the AutoTagging and auto-Filing technologies that compliment it.PTF is an automated way to get documents into the FileHold library from any 3rd party application that supports the ability to print a document. PTF eliminates the need to print documents and then scan to store them electronically; this saves organizations time, paper, and money. This is an excerpt from the white paper:
Print‐to‐FileHold, AutoTagging, and Auto‐Filing Features
The FileHold document repository is a place to store and protect a company's intellectual property. Once inside the repository documents are secure, version controlled and easy to work with. Users are assigned highly secure rights to read only or work with documents in a variety of ways. FileHold software provides many ways to add documents to FileHold; drag and drop from My Documents, direct addition from Office applications such as Word and Excel, importation from Email and several interfaces to support document scanning and imaging. For more advanced needs, FileHold has advanced tools for mass importation from file shares or other document storage applications.
This White Paper briefly explains the Print-to-FileHold (PTF) functionality and the complimenting AutoTagging and Auto‐Filing technologies. PTF is an automated way to get documents into the FileHold library from any third party application that supports the ability to print a document. PTF eliminates the need to print documents and then scan to store them electronically; this saves organizations time, paper and money.
Print‐to‐FileHold (PTF)
The PTF software is installed on a desktop computer running the 3rd party application that is creating the documents. (i.e. Accounting, HR or CRM). When the user wants to send a document from a 3rd party application to be stored on the FileHold server / repository they initiate their normal print function. The user is shown a list of printers to choose from; selects the Send to FileHold option and approves the print (Send to FileHold can be set as the default).
For an overview of how to install and use Print to FileHold, check out the installation help page.
Tagging is the act of attaching key descriptive index values to documents so that they can easily be found at a later date. In document management software this “data about data” is referred to as Metadata and gives users a very powerful tool to store and recover documents without the need for complex library trees or elaborate and tough to maintain hierarchal storage systems.
The PTF feature can be used in combination with the AutoTagging feature in FileHold (sometimes called matter centric filing). AutoTagging assumes that the document being added to a folder is the same Document Type (schema) and has all (or most of) the same metadata as the other documents in the folder. The metadata options are highly configurable and can be set to still require users to complete certain fields before filing. This ensures a highly compliant filing system and standardization across all users. Users can select to have some standard repetitive metadata added automatically, add some manually or a combination of both.
For customers who have higher volumes of specific documents being added to the FileHold library, and want to go even further in automating the filing process, the FileHold professional service team can provide Support for Auto-Filing. To learn even more about Auto-Filing please refer to these two resource pages.
.NET Developers help page for Auto-filing documents
The cost of this option is determined after a consultation to determine the complexity of the filing process. Based on the metadata (tags) assigned to the document and an algorithm built into the Auto-Filing script, FileHold intelligently determines the location (folder) where a document should be stored and the document is automatically added to the folder. If an appropriate folder (or entire path for that matter) cannot be found the folder path and folder is automatically created by the Auto-Filing script and the document is filed.