Design of a Records Management System - Proposal

by Kelly Homenick – Records Management consultant

This Proposal has been drafted to outline a design project for a Records Management System. The design process is based upon the International Standard for Information and Documentation - Records Management.[i]

This standard is the current international best-practice for designing Records Management Systems for organizations of any size or function.

What follows is a general outline of the project. It will entail a consultant’s time of approximately 100+ hours to complete. The chief deliverable will be a Final Project Report with appended policies, procedures, standards, tools and other tactics.


  • Basic Introduction of the Project, the business case for the Project, and the approach to be undertaken.

Preliminary Investigation

  • Administrative Information of the organization: History, Mandate, Organizational Makeup; Geographic Location(s), Number of Personnel etc.

Analysis of Business Activities

  • Develop Conceptual Model of what the organization does and how it does it;
  • Identification of the organization’s Business and Business Processes (functions, activities, and transactions);
  • Identification of how records relate to the organization’s business and business processes.

Identification Requirements for Records

  • Listing of the Legal, Regulatory, Business and any other requirements to keep records;
  • Risk Assessment outlining non-compliance with requirements.

Assessment of Existing Systems

  • Survey of the organization’s existing systems for records and any other information systems;
  • Inventory of the organization’s existing business systems.

Identification of Strategies for Satisfying Records Requirements

  • Determination of the most appropriate policies, procedures, standards, tools and other tactics to meet identified requirements. This will include but is not limited to the following:
    • Records Management Policy
      • Definition of Corporate Records, Repository, Archival Value, Records Classification etc.,
      • Designation of Authority (personnel, and/or department) for Records Management,
      • Designation of process for Records Disposition.
    • Records Classification System
      • Functional Business Processes, Sub-business Processes,
      • Identification of Records to Business Processes,
      • Retention Periods of Records,
      • Disposition Decision of Records.
    • Records Disposition Authority
      • Archival Hypothesis/criteria for preserving and destroying records.
    • Metadata Standard
    • Digitization Standard
    • Naming Conventions

Design of a Records System

  • Design of the appropriate measures determined in step F. To be appended to the Final Project Report.

[i] ISO 15489-1:2016, Information and documentation — Records management - Part 1: Concepts and Principles, and ISO 15489-2:2001, Information and documentation — Records management - Part 2: Guidelines.