Can I Search for Information in FileHold Software from Other Applications such as QuickBooks or GIS?

Q: Can I Search for Information in FileHold Software from Other Applications such as QuickBooks or GIS?

Yes. A feature called FastFind in the document management software allows you to establish a hot key with any "Windows Forms" third-party application. This hot key allows users to find any document stored within the FileHold document library with a single key stroke. (This capability is often called Screen Scraping).

For example, a user, who has had the FastFind feature installed, is working in a windows based accounting application displaying a customer invoice. The user would like to see the original contract or other documentation, that is associated with that customers invoice. To see the invoice the user simply puts their cursor on the Customer Name field (or just makes it the active field) and presses a designated "hot key" (i.e. F9). Upon pressing the hot key the customer name is transferred to the FileHold document search engine and all documents that have that customer name will be displayed in the FileHold document search for review. The user can select the appropriate document and has several options for further activity: review it using the FileHold viewer, open it in its native application for further work, or even initiate a workflow and send that document to a colleague for approval.

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