Organize and Manage ISO Information
Quality and consistency are objectives organizations strive for but can be difficult to achieve. Complications concerning efficiency and quality present themselves everyday in business, whether an important document cannot be found or a customer determines a product is not up to expectations. Document management software makes the ISO certification part of business easier. By creating a secure central library of information processes become consistent and is fully audited.
ISO Certified Customer Testimonial: “I want to tell you how much everyone is enjoying our new document management installation. My users give me unsolicited comments on how well FileHold is working. I think the search speed makes the greatest impression, but ease of use in general goes a long way. I like the way the search dialog is set up and the ability to change the columns displayed is also very convenient."
To learn more about an ISO solution in a complex steel manufacturing environment read the steel manufacturing ISO case study.
ISO software overview
A document management system in the ISO process is based on the principle of a secure, version controlled central repository. Combined with metadata capture and powerful search the system makes it easy to find documents stored in a single location. Documents can be recovered from anywhere there is access to the internet.
In many ISO environments it is desirable to integrate the document management software with a MRP or other third party software application. The no charge web services API that is included in the document management software makes this integration possible.
The document management solution in an ISO environment is:
- Easy install and use – Installation should be easy and the file structure should follow a normal office like filing hierarchy with cabinets drawers and folders:
- Flexible user management - Have multiple levels of user roles and security that allow the setting of permissions to be set restrictively (read only) or permissively (for IT control).
- Controlled user access – It is essential to have tightly controlled user rights that ensure only the people who need to view or even edit documents have the right to do so.
- Version control – Every time a document is changed it should be subject to version control so that users always know what the most current version of a document is. This should not be an optional feature but a mandated use of the system.
- User access audit trail – To ensure integrity of the information every action on a document (changed, added, or removed) with a complete audit trail of those actions.