Check out and check in
Document version control ensures that changes made to documents are not accidentally overwritten by other users. Checking out a document “locks” the document and prevents others from making changes. Users can still get a local copy of the document (read-only) when a document is checked out.
A unique copy of every version of a file checked into the system is retained to ensure that documents can be reverted back to a previous version if needed. To view all versions of a document, see the Version History.
It is important for users to remember to check documents in once they are finished editing. Users cannot view your changes or check the document out until the document is checked back in.
Checking out documents
When the file is checked out, its status is set to Checked Out. In the Version Properties area of the Metadata pane, you can see who checked out the document and the date and time it was checked out. When a document is checked in, its status is set to "Checked In".
Once a document is checked out the document is locked and it will not be allowed to be edited by anyone else who checks it out. To view all of the documents that you have checked out, go to My FileHold > Checked Out Documents.
To check out a document from the FileHold Desktop Application
- Locate the document you want to check out in the Library and do one of the following:
- Click Check Out
- Right-click and select Check Out This Document.
- To check out and open the file in its native application, hold the Ctrl key and double-click the document name.
- The document status changes to "Checked Out" and is downloaded to your working folder. Your working folder is typically C:\Users\username\Documents\My FileHold Documents. The working folder location is set in your User Preferences.
- If you selected to check out and open the file, it will open in its native application. For example, a .docx document will open in Microsoft Word.
To check out a document from the web client
- Locate the document you want to check out in the Library and do one of the following:
- Select the check box next to the document name and click Check Out from the toolbar.
- Right-click and select Check Out This Document.
- The document status changes to Checked Out and is downloaded to the default download location for your browser (such as C:\Users\yourusername\Downloads). You may also be able to select a folder location depending on the browser type.
- Go to the folder location where the document was downloaded and open the file in its native application.
Checking in documents
Only the user that checked the document out of the records management system can check the document back in. You can check in a document from anywhere the document shows up in the system such as the folder location, My Checked out Documents, or a Microsoft Office application.
Documents can be deleted automatically upon check in if the setting ““By default delete documents that I Check In to FileHold” is enabled in the User Preferences. It may also be locked down by an administrator and cannot be modified.
It is possible to enable the setting “Edit metadata upon Check In action” in the User Preferences so that the metadata pane opens for editing after checking in a document into the document management system. If configured to do so, then the metadata pane automatically opens upon check in so the values can be modified. This option can be locked down by a System Administrator.
Metadata field values may be cleared upon check-in if the option "Clear at Check In" has been enabled in the schema. If enabled, then any required metadata fields (marked with an asterisk *) in the schema are cleared forcing you to enter new values upon check in. See your library administrator for details.
To check in from My Checked Out Documents
- Select document and do one of the following:
- Click Check In from the toolbar.
- Right-click on the document name and select Check In This Document.
- Click Browse to go the folder location where the document that you are checking in located, if needed. FileHold keeps track of where the document was downloaded to so if the document is still in the same location, the path is automatically entered.
- Select any of the following options, if available/applicable:
- Edit metadata for these document(s) before check-in – This option opens the metadata pane so the metadata field values can be edited. This option may be automatically selected if the option “Edit metadata upon Check In action” is enabled in the User Preferences. It may also be locked down by an administrator and cannot be modified.
- Delete the local copy of this file after it has been successfully checked in – This option removes the local copy of the file from the user’s computer. This option may be automatically selected if the option “By default delete documents that I Check In to FileHold” is enabled in the User Preferences. It may also be locked down by an administrator and cannot be modified.
- Email notify all folder members that these documents) have been checked in – This option sends an email to all users and groups that have access to the folder. This option may not be available, depending on the Library Administration settings.
- Click Check In.
- If the options “Edit metadata upon Check In action” or “Clear at Check In” are enabled, fill out the required metadata values in the metadata pane and click Save.
To check in documents from Microsoft Office and Outlook
- From a Microsoft Office application, in the FileHold tab, select Send to FileHold > Check In Document or click the Check In
icon from the FileHold toolbar.
To check in an unchanged documents (undo checkout)
- After checking in a document, a window will prompt you to select the new version the document. Select the check box 'I have not changed these document(s). Please undo the check out of these files'.
- If this option is not selected the when the user clicks the Check-In button, the “new” file will upload as the latest version of the file.
To check in multiple documents
- From the My Checked Out Documents view, select the documents to check in and click Check In.
- This option is not available through the Web Client.
- Alternatively, use the Working Documents feature to check in multiple documents at once.
Quick check-in
The “Quick Check-in” option allows users to bypass the FileHold Office Client (FOC) window when checking in a new version from Microsoft Office applications such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Quick Check-in is not available from Microsoft Outlook nor OneNote.
- Upon clicking the Quick check-in button
- Metadata from the prior document version is copied to the new document version.
- The prior document name is copied to the new version.
- When the check-in is complete, the document in the Microsoft Office application is closed and the local file is deleted.
- If the “Clear at check in” option is enabled for a required field, there are no changes to the above except that the FOC window opens in order to fill in the required metadata.