Microsoft SQL Server configuration recommendations

The FileCare service level agreement (SLA) assumes a number of customer responsibilities in setting up and maintaining a properly functioning FileHold document management system (DMS). One of these responsibilities is to correctly setup and maintain an instance of SQL server.

This document is intended to be read and interpreted by a qualified Microsoft SQL database administrator.

The following articles describe some typical scenarios to tune SQL Server and the FileHold databases for best performance. You should not expect these scenarios to be either exhaustive or mandatory. Each reader should make an assessment of where to apply these recommendations, specific to their FileHold use cases.

Each customer's usage of the database differs both based on their FileHold configuration and their FileHold usage. While we make every effort to optimize queries and define indexes in advance, it is a very general optimization. When it comes to searches, we build these queries on the fly according to what a user is searching for based on your custom metadata and view configuration, so they will vary widely from system to system.

Analysis of the use of the database in your environment by a DBA can result in suggestions to improve the database and database server configuration. For example, a mass update of a metadata field could invalidate related query plans in the database server and your DBA might want to update statistics to improve performance, etc. Occasionally a DBA can isolate a performance issue that represents a usage scenario in the product that is new and or unexpected. Our engineering team can review these and make recommendations to change the usage or possibly provide an updated query that improves performance for the new scenario while maintaining performance in the existing scenarios.

FileHold uses one database per application: library manager, document repository, user role manager and full text search. The beginning of the each database name is configurable at installation time and the defaults are ch_librarymanager, ch_documentrepository, ch_userrolemanager and ch_fulltextsearch where the configurable portion is "ch_".

See the following articles for more information: