User and group security overview

You will need to evaluate the users of the system and group them into logical groups, such as Accounting, Marketing, Sales, and so on. You will also need to decide what level of access that each group requires and assign the appropriate role to the group.

The software has three levels of security:

  • At the cabinet level.
  • At the folder level.
  • At the schema level.

Once you have created the users and groups in the system, the Library Administrator can apply group membership to the cabinets, folders, and schemas. This allows users to use the documents they need and restrict them from the ones they don’t need access. If a user is having problems accessing cabinets, folders, or documents, make sure that they are members of the security groups that are set for that level.

Roles and permissions in the software

System Administrators are responsible for the setting up and configuring of the FileHold users and group memberships. They create the roles, groups and security settings that define the document management system in terms of permissions, access and user rights. Library Administrators use these foundational settings to build the file structure and document categorization system that provides users with highly configurable schemas for different types of document.

The System Administrator should:

  • Design and map out the user groups and permissions on a whiteboard or a spreadsheet. It is recommended that everything be considered up front before configuring the system.
  • Create groups and assign permissions (roles) for each group.
  • Create users or import users from active directory (if required).
  • Assign users to groups.
  • Document your planning work. It is suggested that you save this work to a folder restricted to administrator access within the software.

Administrators should carefully consider which users/groups will receive delete permissions. Users with delete permissions can delete documents, but only administrators can restore them.