Managed options
There are a number of global options in FileHold that seldom need to be modified. These options can be configured through the managed options page. Some options impact the behavior of the standard FileHold clients and some the application server.
By default, most users have read access to managed options as needed by the client software they are using, but only a library administrator or higher can edit them. The administration role can also impact which options can be edited. With managed options, a library administrator can edit the least values and a support user can edit the most. In cases where no support user is configured, the system administrator can edit all values.
Managed options has been designed to be extensible. This allows applications using the FileHold API or plug-ins to be configured using the same managed options interface as the standard product.
A page, following the style of user management, has been provided for editing managed options. It allows for filtering the list, changing columns, grouping columns, sorting columns, saving settings, and exporting the managed options to convenient formats.

Editing managed options
- Log in with sufficient permissions to edit the value that needs changing.
- From the administration page, select System configuration > Settings > Managed options.
- Select the option from the list and click on the key name.
- From the Edit option page, enter the desired value for the option.
- Press .
Values for managed options are cached in memory for performance. When you make a change to a value, managed options attempts to refresh the cache immediately. If it is unable to make an immediate update, the cache is refreshed every 10 minutes so after making a change in the value you will need to wait for the cache to refresh before it will have an affect on the system. For users with self-hosted systems, you can immediately force a cache refresh by recycling IIS.
Understanding managed options
Each option is referenced by a Key. For every Key there is a Value. You will see managed options keys referenced throughout the knowledgebase along with information about when to change their values. Usually managed options will appear with the following style: AddDocumentWizard.ReturnPage.
In addition to the Key and Value, managed options have an Application attribute to simplify filtering. For example, all options directly related to the FileHold Desktop Application (FDA) have the application attribute FDA. Each option has both a Description and Help attribute. Values can either be boolean with a value of true or false or text. If they are text, there may be a validation routine and error message associated with the value.
Contact [email protected] if you would like to add new options to the list for your custom application.
Prior versions of the software did not have managed options. Instead, options like these were edited directly in text web config files on the application server. Many of these web config options have been replaced by managed options. A cross reference is available from the old to new style configuration.