Integrating with Kodak Capture Pro

FileHold supplies and supports an "off the shelf" scanning solution called SmartSoft Capture but other scanning solutions can be made to work with FileHold.

This section describes the process of an integration between FileHold and Kodak Capture Pro. This article requires you to have proficiency with scanning and working knowledge of Kodak Capture Pro.  If assistance is required from FileHold to complete the integration professional service fee may apply.

Install Kodak Capture Pro 2.5 or up to version 4.0 is supported. Versions beyond 4.0 have not been tested by FileHold nor are supported, but may work.

  1. Download and save the Kodak Capture Pro integration files.

  2. Once downloaded, unzip the files completely. The integration files contain some screenshots, and the BOF_FH2.dpl file. This is the file that adds the FileHold Application to Kodak as an export type.

  3. Make sure Kodak Capture Pro is not running, it must be completely closed out and exited before proceeding.

  4. Navigate to your Kodak Capture Pro program folder and find the Plugins folder

  5. Create a folder called BOF_FH2 under the Plugins\KCBOFAPI folder
    Kodak Capture Pro folder setup
  1. Place the supplied BOF_FH2.dpl file in this folder
  2. Launch Kodak Capture Pro
  3. Open up the Job Setup folder - in Kodak Capture Pro
  4. Under the output tab of Job Setup you will see a Destination list, select System 1 - and then on right hand side, select Send to: FileHold Application.
  5. You should not select the Index.XML file underneath the System: FileHold Application menu like the below screenshot shows. We do this to make sure that you do not select this. This is an extra XML file that is not needed, since the FileHold application .dpl file creates this automatically.
Kodak Capture Pro job setup

Here is another example of a setup.

Kodak Capture Pro job setup 2


Now that this is setup, you should assign the path for the XML file to be saved to, and we recommend that you place this where your OCR'd PDF's will go.

The XML file will contain the index metadata captured at scan time by Kodak Capture Pro and the path for each PDF. This XML file is then processed using the FileHold Desktop Client Manage Imports utility.

Installing the barcode font

If you plan on using cover sheets with barcodes to separate your documents during scanning, you will need to create them using a barcode font. As the scanner reads a barcode, it will separate the batch into separate documents. You can install the 3 of 9 barcode font and use it to create cover sheets for your scanned documents.