Administration workflow status report

In the Administration Workflow Status Report, you can search for workflows and perform certain actions such as cancel a workflow, get a copy, clear completed and cancelled workflows, override tasks and activities and delegate tasks. The report shows the tasks from all activities, including those that have not yet started (future tasks). The administration workflow status report has a number of filters that can be used to narrow down your workflow search results. This report is available in both the Web Client and FDA and is accessible to users who have read-only access or higher and are participants or observers of workflows.

The workflow status report is also available in the library in the Reviews and Approvals > Status Report area; however, the participant workflow status report does not have any filters.

A Show/Hide filter options button allows users to set most commonly used filters using “pins”. After a report is executed, the last filter options are “pinned” and saved for future use. Filter options not in use are hidden until the Show filter options button is clicked. Workflow filter options can be “pinned” Pinned icon  and “unpinned” Unpinned icon as needed.

The following information can be seen in the workflow status report:

Field Name Description
Workflow The name of the workflow. If a workflow custom naming pattern has been configured, that name appears here.
Main/Supporting The number of main and supporting documents in the workflow. See Adding or Removing Documents from a Workflow for more information.
Show documents link

To view all of the documents that are involved in the workflow, click the Show Documents link. The documents appear in the “Documents associated with <workflow template name>” window. The documents are listed by main or supporting document types.

From here, documents can be checked out, emailed, viewed, downloaded, or deleted.

Initiator The user that initiated the workflow.
Started The date the workflow was started.
Due The date the workflow is due.
Completed The percentage of the workflow that has been completed.

The possible statuses of a workflow are:

  • Pending Approval – The workflow is in progress and waiting upon approval.
  • Pending Review – The workflow is in progress and waiting to be reviewed.
  • Completed – If the workflow is completed the final approval or review status is shown. (Approved, Not Approved, Approval Postponed, or Reviewed).
  • Cancelled – If the workflow has been cancelled.
  • Restarted – The workflow has been restarted manually or automatically.

Details link

Click to review the workflow template details. The workflow template cannot be changed once the workflow has been initiated.

Note that one-time review activities do not appear in the workflow details; the activities only reflect the situation when the workflow was initiated.

If using the FDA, click on the coloured areas to expand and contract the different areas of the workflow template.

Changes link

View the workflow change log.
Under each workflow name, click on the + or > symbol to view all the activities in the workflow.

The activity number in the workflow template. There can be up to 20 defined template activities plus up to 40 one-time review activities in a workflow.

  • Approval
  • Review
  • One-time review activity – A review activity was inserted ad-hoc into the workflow.
  • Send for external signature – Agreement needs to sent out for a signature in Adobe Acrobat Sign. This activity type cannot be overridden.
  • Wait for external signature – Waiting for the signed agreement to be returned to FileHold. The participant “Adobe Sign” links to the External signing report to view the list of signers and their instructions. This activity type cannot be restarted or overridden.
Task The task number. Each participant in an activity is numbered.

The name of the user that was assigned the task.

An asterisk (*) appears next to the participant’s names’ for all tasks that are available to be reserved in the Workflow Status report.

If the type is "wait for external signature", the participant is Adobe Acrobat Sign.

On Behalf Of The name of the user that delegated the task.
Comments Double-click on Comments link. The Comment Details window displays the comments from that participant and task.

A document supplied by the participant relevant to the workflow. Note that attachment documents are not searchable and do not become a part of the library.

To download a copy of the feedback document, click the Save icon Save feedback icon in the Attachments column. In the FDA, select the location to save the feedback document and click Save. The document is downloaded to that location. In the Web Client, the feedback document is saved to the browser’s default download location.

Started The date the task started.
Due The date the task is due.
Completed The date the task was completed.
  • In Progress – If the task is in progress.
  • Approved – The approval task was completed.
  • Reviewed – The review task was completed.
  • Future (Blank) – If the task is in the future, then the status is blank (empty).
  • Cancelled – The workflow has been cancelled.
  • Overridden – The workflow task has been ignored and no action is taken. The workflow completed or moved on to the next activity in the workflow.
  • Voided – The task was reserved and completed by another participant. The task was removed and voided from all other participants.
  • Reserved – The task is currently reserved by a participant.
  • Blocked – The task is currently reserved by another participant thereby blocking all other participants from the task.
  • Sent – Agreements have been sent out for signature via Adobe Acrobat Sign.
  • Signed – Agreements have been signed in Adobe Acrobat Sign.

Filtering the workflow status report

The selected workflow in the Status Report list remains selected until the list is refreshed and the selected workflow is no longer in the list. A user with a read only role or higher can use this report.

To run the Workflow Status Report

  1. In the Web Client, go to Administration Panel > Workflow Management > Status Report.
  • In the FDA, go to Administration > Workflows > Status Report.
  1. Select from the following filter options. Alternatively, to return a list of all workflow events, leave the check boxes clear.
  • Workflow Status Equals — Select one of the following: In Progress, Completed, Cancelled, Approval Postponed, Pending Approval, Approved, Reviewed, Pending Review, or Not Approved.
  • Completed Between — Enter a minimum and maximum percentage for the amount of workflow completed.
  • Date Started — Enter a minimum and maximum date for when the workflow was started.
  • Due Date — Enter a minimum and maximum due date for the workflow.
  • Document Name Contains — Enter a text string for the name of the document in the workflow.
  • Workflow Name Contains — Enter a text string for the name of the workflow.
  • Initiator is — Select a user name from the list.
  • Workflow template name contains – Matches to the workflow template name. SQL wildcards can be used.

  • Document schema – Matches to a particular document schema. Displays a list of document schemas. The workflow template must be assigned to the selected schema.

  • Current activity participant – Matches a participant to the current workflow activity. If the task is delegated, it matches the to the delegated user. If the task is overridden or void, there is no match. If a task is reserved, matches to the participant that holds the reservation.

  • Current activity overdue or due in x days – Enter the number of days the task is or will be overdue. A value of 0 is due today. If no value is entered, only overdue tasks are displayed.

  • Workflow contains activity type – Matches to the activity type. Options include: review, approve, or external signature.

  • Workflow guid equals – Returns to the GUID of the workflow.

  • Workflow task guid equals – Returns the workflow with the matching GUID.

  • Document id equals – Returns the workflow with the matching document ID.

  1. To display all filter options, click Show filter options. To hide filters, click Hide filter options.

  2. Filter options can be “pinned” Pinned icon  or “unpinned” Unpinned icon . Filters can be pinned for more commonly used options. Options are pinned automatically if used.

  3. Click Apply Filter. The search results are displayed below. You can now take actions upon the workflow results.

Workflow status report actions

    From the workflow status report, you can take the following actions on a task:

    • Show Documents (link) – Opens the documents associated with the workflow (main documents and supporting documents) in a separate window.
    • View Details (link) — Displays the workflow template.
    • Restart a Workflow – Select the completed activity from where to restart the workflow from. Workflows can be restarted on not approved, approval postponed, or an active workflow. Workflows marked as completed and approved cannot have their workflows restarted.
    • Rename Workflow – To rename the workflow instance, select the workflow from the list and click Rename Workflow. Enter the new workflow instance name and click OK. Workflows can only be renamed by the initiator or senior administrator if the “allow initiator to define” option has been enabled in the workflow template.
    • Cancel a Workflow — Allows you to cancel the workflow. Confirm the cancellation by clicking OK at the message prompt.
    • Clear Completed — Clears completed workflows with a status of approved, not approved, approval postponed, reviewed, or overridden (if the last task in the workflow was overridden) from the Participant Workflow Status Report. When clicked the message “Completed workflows will no longer be visible on your personal workflow status report. Check the box below to include postponed workflows”. To remove any postponed workflows from the status report, select the Clear Postponed Workflows check box. To retain any postponed workflows, clear the check box. Users may want to keep workflows with a status of approval postponed because the workflow isn’t truly completed.
    • Clear Cancelled — Removes the cancelled workflows from the from the Participant Workflow Status Report.
    • Reserve/Undo Reservation – Allows you to “reserve” or undo the reservation for the selected task. Once a task is reserved by a participant, it prevents all other participants from completing the task and is removed from their task list. The status of the user who reserved the task is “Reserved”. The status of the other users is “Blocked”. Once the task is completed by the participant that reserved the task, the statues changes to “Reviewed” or “Approved” and the status for all other participants is “Voided”. If the reservation for the task is undone, then the task is available to all participants again. This function is available only if the option Force Reservation is enabled in the workflow template. An asterisk (*) appears next to the participant’s names’ for all tasks that are available to be reserved in the Workflow Status report.
    • Override Task— Overrides a task or activity by moving it to the completed state without affecting the rest of the workflow. Use this feature when a workflow member is absent and the workflow needs to be completed.
    • Delegate Task — Delegates a task to another user.
    • Print (FDA Only) – Prints an exact match of what is displayed on the screen.
    • Export (FDA Only) – When exporting the report, you can choose to export only the workflow or you can include both the workflows and the tasks. The report can be exported to CSV or HTML. Note that for the HTML report, the workflow must be expanded in the Workflow Status Report results to print the tasks. In other words, the HTML report will be exported to look exactly how it appears on the screen.
    • Changes link — View the workflow change log.