Password reset notification templates
The password reset templates are stored in resource files (.resx). The email messages are sent using HTML format which allows to prepare more readable information for users. The body of the messages in these emails can be modified.
FileHold professional services are available for any customer that would like changes made to their email notifications. Modifying password reset email notification templates is not covered by FileCare.
When you upgrade FileHold from one version to another you should apply any notification customizations to the newly upgraded version when the upgrade is complete otherwise the default product notifications will be used.
Password reset email notifications
All text and templates for this area are stored in: C:\Program Files\FileHold Systems\Application Server\LibraryManager\App_GlobalResources\GlobalResources.resx
Strings related to password reset feature can be found under following keys:
- ResetPasswordNotificationContent
- CredentialNotificationFooter
- CredentialNotificationHeader
- ResetPasswordNotificationSubject
- ActivationUserNotificationContent
- ActivationUserNotificationWithMsgContent
- ActivationUserNotificationSubject
- RestoreLoginNotificationContent
- RestoreLoginNotificationSubject
- ActivationUserNotificationHeader
- ActivationUserNotificationWithoutMsgContent
- CredentialNotificationFooterEmailInfo
- RestorePasswordNotificationContent
- RestorePasswordNotificationSubject
Each email message is combined using a few of above resources.
These templates should be prepared in HTML format with CSS styles. CSS formatting should be included inline with the HTML to ensure the formatting is presented in a uniform way in a wide variety of email clients.
The resource file is an XML file, so you cannot directly insert HTML code. All HTML characters that conflict with XML formatting characters must be escaped. For example:
<value><p>We are sending this email because the <b>{0}</b> administrator has created an account for you.</p></value>