Tailoring FileHold
To ease the adoption of a document management system into an organizations culture it is helpful to personalize the user interface to match the overall look and feel of the organization. It is simple to add; instructional information, a logo or corporate colors to the opening "splash" screen to increase user acceptance and awareness.
The look and appearance of the document management software can be tailored and personalized in several ways. Some of the work can be done directly by customers following the information provided here and some of it, such as language change, must be done by the FileHold development team. Following is a summary of what can be done with links to more information:
Logon page tailoring. Brand the web client logon page for local requirements.
Adding a standard warning banner for all users. You can force users to view and optionally agree to the terms of use for the system before they are able to complete the log in process.
Tailoring the Courier client to match an organization's brand.
Rebranding of the Web Client and Desktop Application to include custom logos, color themes, watermarks, and name changes. This is an optional paid feature and the cost is calculated per request.
Localization of the Web Client and Desktop Application. This is an optional paid feature and can be performed by the customer or by FileHold. The first case has a standard price available from [email protected] and for the later, the cost is calculated per request.
Customize Courier, Workflow, and password reset notification emails.
Adding custom main logos to the Web Client Login Page and main Web Client header. This is an "out of the box" feature and can be done by customers themselves. While this procedure only takes a few minutes it should be performed by experienced IT professionals. Support for this customization is not included in FileCare so the purchase of some consulting time from FileHold is recommended to ensure the procedure are followed correctly.
Adding personalized information, graphics, or links on the Web Client login page. This is an "out of the box" feature, and should be performed by experienced IT professionals or by those with experience and training in graphic modifications. Support for this customization is not included in FileCare so the purchase of some consulting time from FileHold is recommended to ensure the procedure are followed correctly.