FileHold System Security

Security can mean many things to different people ranging from user rights, to the possibility of outsiders accessing the system.  Security is a critical component of our document management software which provides our users the peace of mind that their documents are always safe.

Many security features at many different levels are offered, the following is a brief discussion of some security components.

General Security of the Software

Many features of the document management software contribute to making the system secure.& These features are covered in other parts of this web site but include:

  • Version Control - ensures an current version and history of every document.
  • Usage logs - Provides reporting on every person who accesses the system.
  • User log in or Active Directory integration - ensure only authorized users have access.
  • Workflow and approval - requires an electronic signature to move through the process.
  • Auto Document Number and naming - removes the possibility of human error. 

Secure IT Infrastructure

FileHold software has rigorous security around the entire system using .NET 4's security subsystems and best IT practices the system supports SSL 256 bit and higher keys for session encryption when communicating with the FileHold server. Strong security protects the electronic file storage repository that is managed by the software library services.

The document management software allows for securing the Cabinets, Folders, Folder Groups (by group / individual). Search is restricted to only the documents users have authorized access to.

Software Control of Access to Documents

FileHold software can restrict users by schema membership, as well as Cabinet and folder memberships. This is a flexible system primarily based around group membership. It is easy to add new users to the system, give them group memberships, and then have them automatically have access to the many cabinets, hundreds or thousands of folders and key document schemas that their group memberships belong to.

Secure User Roles

FileHold supports different user roles to give customers flexibility to control access to and modification of documents. 

Following are the standard user roles the system provides "Out of the Box"

  • Limited user
  • Read Only
  • Document Publisher
  • Document Publisher and Delete
  • Publisher and Delete
  • Organizer
  • Organizer and Delete
  • Cabinet Administrators
  • Library Administrators
  • Senior Library Administrators
  • System Administrators