New Document PDF/Image Viewer in FileHold 12
A new viewer, called the PDF/Image viewer, is available in FileHold 12. All NEW purchases and upgrades to FileHold 12 receive two PDF/Image viewer licenses for FREE! Both the traditional Brava viewer and the PDF/Image viewer are available for purchase with FileHold 12. If the Brava viewer is purchased, customers receive the PDF/Image viewer at no additional cost.
The PDF/Image Viewer supports the following file formats:
TIFF (single or multi-page)
Image files (jpg, png, gif, bmp)
If a viewer license is assigned to a user, the Document Viewer function is used with both the Brava viewer and the PDF/Image viewer in the FileHold Desktop Application (FDA).
If a user is assigned a Brava viewer license, they can also use the PDF/Image viewer with the Brava viewer, with the Brava viewer being the default viewer.
If a user is assigned a PDF/Image viewer license then can only use the viewer for documents with the file extensions listed above.
The PDF/Image Viewer allows users to reorder pages in a PDF or TIFF document plus several other functions:
Open documents in FileHold or from your local computer.
Open multiple documents at a time. Each file is shown on a separate tab.
View thumbnails of a multi-page document.
Reorganize pages of a PDF or multi-page TIFF image using drag and drop.
Append an image to the current image file.
Insert an image from one image file to another image file using drag and drop.
Delete pages.
Select multiple pages of the document via the thumbnails.
Saved the altered document to FileHold or to your local machine as a PDF, JPEG, or TIFF only.
Print the document.
Undock the viewer so it is in its own window.
To get more information on the PDF/Image viewer or purchasing FileHold 12, please contact [email protected].