Workflow dashboard
The Workflow dashboard gives a high-level overview of the all the active, completed, cancelled, overdue, and total workflows for all workflow templates in the system. This information is displayed in table and pie chart formats. The dashboard is interactive by using the hyperlinks in the table or by clicking on pieces of the pie chart.
The workflow dashboard is only available in the Web Client. Users read-only and above roles can view the workflow dashboard.
To use the workflow dashboard
- In the Web Client, go to Administration Panel > Workflow Management > Dashboard.
- To select the date range to display select or enter a date in the From and To fields. By default, data from the last 3 months is shown.
To view overdue workflows or tasks that are due within a certain number of days, enter a number in the Include due in x days with overdue area. For example, if set to 1, all workflows or tasks that are due today are shown. If set to 7, all workflows or tasks due 7 days from now are displayed. By default, it is set to 0 which displays all currently overdue workflows or tasks.
To view the number of overdue tasks instead of the number of overdue workflows, select the The overdue column refers to the tasks instead of workflows check box.
Click Refresh to update any of the dashboard filters.
In the table, the workflow template names and workflow numbers are hyperlinked.
Clicking on the workflow template name modifies the pie chart to show only the workflows belonging to the selected template.
Clicking on the number of overdue, cancelled, active, etc. workflows opens the workflow status report with only the selected workflows showing. Click Back to Workflow Dashboard to return.
- To determine which workflows are displayed in the pie chart, select one of the following options from the drop down list:
- Active workflows
- Completed workflows
- Cancelled workflows
- Overdue workflows
- Postponed workflows
- Total workflows
In the pie chart, click on a piece of the pie to display the workflow template name associated with that slice.
In the pie chart, double-click on a piece of the pie to show the associated workflows in the workflow status report. Click Back to Workflow Dashboard to return.