One-time review activities
A “one-time review” activity allows a user to insert a review task ad hoc to allow a workflow participant to request changes from any user or group before they complete their own task. When a user selects the “postpone approval” option, they are prompted to select the user to complete the one-time review activity, due date, and any task instructions. The one-time review activity participants must have read or higher access to the main and supporting documents in the workflow. The workflow is then restarted and new “one-time review” activity is inserted in the workflow immediately before the current activity. Any previously completed activities are copied over into the restarted workflow.
The one-time review activity can be assigned to a user or group. If assigned to a group, then the 1 of X option is enabled meaning only one participant in the group can complete the task. A one-time review activity cannot be assigned to the user creating the one-time review activity unless they are a member of the group that the activity is being assigned to. One-time review tasks sent to a 1 of x group can be reserved/unreserved.
The due date for the one-time review activity is set to match the source activity due date by default. If the due date for the source activity has already passed, the due date cannot be changed. The one-time review activity due date can be extended past the source activity due date if a configuration setting is enabled. To allow the one-time review activity to extend the due date past the source activity due date, the setting "AllowWorkflowDueDateExtension" need to be set to “true” in the web config file in C:\Program Files\FileHold Systems\Application Server\LibraryManager. If the configuration setting is enabled, the due date for all workflow activities is extended by the number of days specified in the one-time review activity. For example, if the one-time review activity is due in 10 days, the source and subsequent workflow activities are also pushed out by 10 days, thereby extending the workflow due date.
The one-time activity participant is sent the workflow task. Check out is enabled for one-time review activities. A password is not required to complete the one-time activity. All following activities will be adjusted accordingly to accommodate automatic restarts, dates, etc. The new activity will appear in the workflow status report as “one-time review”.
Workflow templates support up to 20 predefined activities at initiation time plus up to 40 one-time review activities for a total of 60 activities for a single workflow.
To allow users to add one-time reviews ad hoc, the setting "Allow participant to create a one-time review" must be enabled in the workflow template. See Creating Workflow Templates for more information.
Changes in activity behavior
The new activities and tasks will have the same attributes and behavior as for normal review activities except the following:
- The creator of the one-time review activity will have the right to override the one-time review activity they created. This is in addition to the normal override permissions.
- If the workflow is restarted through the normal postpone mechanism to a point prior to any one-time review activities, the one-time review activities will not be carried forward to the restarted workflow. One-time review activities that are before the restart point will be retained in the restarted workflow.
- It will not be possible to select a one-time review activity as the restart point in a postponed workflow.
- These new activities will appear in the workflow status report with the type “One‑time review”. When completed, the task status will be “Reviewed”.
- One-time review activities do not appear in workflow details as those will continue to reflect the situation when the workflow was initiated.
- The change log will have a new action “Added one-time”. As this is part of postponing the workflow, the activity and task number will not be required. A user viewing the change log will be able to click on the action type to drill into the details. The details will include the participant full name and id and the task instructions.
- Normally workflow progress is calculated using the total number of tasks in the workflow and the uncompleted tasks. One-time review tasks will not be included in either the total or the uncompleted task calculation.
- For example, a workflow has two activities. The first activity has 3 participants and the last activity has 1 for a total of 4 tasks. The first activity has the one-time review option available. After the workflow is initiated, two participants in the first activity complete their tasks and the workflow shows as 50% complete.
- A third participant postpones the workflow creating a one-time review activity. The workflow is restarted, now with 3 activities and 5 tasks, and the one-time participant completes their task. The workflow is now 0% completei. Next, all three participants in the first activity complete their tasks. The workflow is now 75% complete. The one-time activity has no effect on the percentage complete.
To create a one-time review (Classic and New interface)
- Go to Reviews and Approvals > My Tasks and select a workflow where the task is set to Approve.
- In the FDA, right-click and select Workflow > Submit Approval.
- In the Web Client, select the check box next to the task and click Submit Approval/Review.
- Select the Postpone Approval option.
- Enter any comments.
- To attach a document containing additional feedback, click Browse or Choose File to add the file. Select the "Remove the local copy of this file after my review feedback has been successfully sent" check box if applicable.
- Click OK.
- In the “Select a Postpone Approval Option" window, the “Select a step to restart from” section has the One-time review activity option selected by default.
- In the Create a one-time review activity area, select one of the following options:
- Workflow initiator
- Document owner
- Selected user or group. Click ... to use the Select Activity Participants window to locate the user. If a group is selected, then only one participant in the group can complete the activity (1 of X).
- If using the new interface (FileHold 16.2), click … to open the Users and groups selection window. Click Users
to view by user name or click Groups
to view by group name. The columns in the table can be sorted, filtered, added or removed. Click Apply
when done.
- If using the new interface (FileHold 16.2), click … to open the Users and groups selection window. Click Users
A one-time review activity cannot be assigned to yourself but you can be a member of the group that the activity is assigned to.
- Enter the Due by date. By default, the due date for the one-time review activity is set to match the source activity due date. If the due date for the source activity has already passed, the due date cannot be changed. If the due date needs to be extended past the source due date, then a configuration setting needs to be enabled on the server. If enabled, the due date for all workflow activities is extended by the number of days specified in the one-time review activity. See your System Administrator to enable this setting.
- Enter any Task instructions for the user and click OK.
- For tasks instructions in FileHold 16.2, it is possible to use formatting codes for specific styles:
- **This is bold** = This is bold
- __This is underlined__ = This is underlined
- ~~This is in italics~~ = This is in italics
- Enter your password, if required, and click OK.
- The workflow is automatically restarted, inserting the one-time review activity immediately before the current activity. Any previously completed activities are copied over into the restarted workflow. You can see the restarted workflow in the Workflow Status Report. The new activity will appear in the workflow status report as “one-time review”.