Folder groups in the file structure

In order for a user to see a folder group they must be a member of the cabinet in which the folder group resides. The availability of actions is dependent on the rights that users have to the Cabinet that the folder group resides unless further restrictions have been placed on the folder group by its owner, the Library Administrator or the Systems Administrator.

The following actions can be performed on folder groups. 

Action / Function

What the Function Does

Who Can Access the Function

Open Folder Group

Expands the folder group revealing its contents.

All users with access to the cabinet that the folder group belongs to.


Allows users to restrict their search to files located in the selected folder group.

All users with access to the folder group.


Displays the folder group Properties.

All users with access to the folder group.

Set Default View

Allows user to select a default view that has been created in the View Preferences.

All users with access to the folder group.

Add Folder

Allows user to add a folder to the folder group.

Users with Publisher or higher access.

Move Folder Group

Moves the folder group to a different drawer.

Users with Organizer or higher access.

Copy Folder Group

Makes a copy of the folder group including all folders and files it contains.

Users with Organizer or higher access.

Clone Folder Group Structure

Makes a copy of the folder group and the folders it contains. Does not copy documents in folders.

Users with Publisher or higher access.

Delete Folder Group

Deletes the folder group and all items it contains.

Users with Organizer + Delete or higher access..

Archive Folder Group

Manually sends the contents of the folder group to the Library Archive.

Library Administrator or System Administrators only.


Exports all documents in the folders contained in the folder group.

Users with Organizer or higher access.