Exporting logs from the FileHold Desktop Application

If a user is experiencing problems with the FileHold Desktop Application, they can export the Error, Trace, Manage Imports and Office client logs. These logs can be used to when submitting a support case to the FileHold support team. The logs that can be exported are:

  • Document Trace — list of logical errors working with documents.
  • General Errors — list of low level exceptions.
  • Manage Imports — list of import runs and errors using the Manage Import tool.
  • Office client errors — FileHold Office Client (FOC) used for Microsoft Office integration.

Starting with version 16.2, users can get immediate access to detailed error information directly from the on screen error dialog.

To export the logs

  1. In FDA go to Tools > Export Logs.
  2. Select one or more log files: General Errors, Document Trace, Manage Imports or Office client errors.
  3. Select one of the following options
  • Attach to Outlook email — attaches all the logs files to an email using your default email client.
  • Save to Disk — saves the file to your local computer. Click Browse to select an export location.
  1. Click Export. The logs are generated and saved or attached to an email using the default mail application. If one of the selected logs is empty, a message is displayed.
  2. Send the logs to [email protected].