(Legacy feature) Adding watermarks and banners to documents in the Brava viewer
A more powerful replacement for this feature is available in Assemble and Automatic Watermarks.
IMPORTANT: This document describes an optional FileHold feature that is no longer available. It is no longer maintained, but retained for existing users only. See the FileHold Viewer for the latest viewing technology.
The Brava Viewer was discontinued by FileHold in 2017. This third party software component was released in 2013. FileHold no longer supports the Brava Viewer, but customers who were licensed in 2017 or earlier can continue to use it AS-IS. FileHold has no way to guarantee that it will work with any workstation environment released since 2017.
You can choose to set on-screen or printed banners and watermarks to your documents when assigned a Brava viewer license. Watermarks and banners only show when the document is viewed in print preview or is printed. Watermark and/or banner values will appear in the viewing window by adding them as Screen Watermarks or Screen Banners.
The watermark stretches from the lower left corner to the upper right corner of the viewing window. These settings are useful for displaying a document's classification to the viewer (e.g., proprietary, draft, etc.) and the values can differ from the values entered in the printed Watermark and banner location lines.
Print banners and watermarks can contain text strings or one of the available tag values:
- %Date - Inserts the date the print was spooled. If the tags are viewed on screen, the date at which the screen was last refreshed displays.
- %SysDatePlusDays(x) - Inserts a date the specified number of days past the system date. Replace "x" with the desired number of days. Negative numbers of days may be entered.
- %Time - Inserts the time the print was spooled based on a 12 hour clock (AM/PM). If the tags are viewed on screen, the time on which the screen was last refreshed displays.
- %MilTime - Inserts the time the print was spooled based on a 24 hour clock. Note that all of the date and time specific tokens above are based on the current UTC time.
- %Title - Adds the name of the document.
- %Page - Adds the page number.
- %TotalPages - Inserts the total number of pages.
- %BatesPgNo(x)- Bates Number. This tag is used to indicate the starting page number and the number of digits to use. For example, %BatesPgNo(0002) would place 0002 on the first page, 0003 on the next page, etc.
- %Login (or %User) - Specifies the user name of the person who issued the print.
- %fhid - Adds the FileHold ID number which is a unique number given to each document in the repository.
- %docno - Inserts the document control number.
- %verno - Inserts the version control number.
- %% - Inserts a single % character.
- © - Inserts the copyright symbol.
- ® - Inserts the registered trademark symbol.
Adding Watermarks and Banners to Files
- Open a document in the Brava viewer and go to File > ISO Banners/Watermarks.
- In the ISO Banners / Watermark window, select the watermark or banner location.
- For a screen watermark or banner, select Screen Watermark or Screen Banner.
- For printed watermark or banner, select from Watermark, Top Left, Top Center, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Center, Bottom Right, Left Top, Left Centre, Left Bottom, Right Top, Right Center, Right Bottom.
- Type in the desired text string or % to access the drop down list. The list of available tags are listed above.
- Click the Font button to change the font by selecting a font name, style and size from the Font dialog box. Note that on screen banner fonts are not affected by choices made in the Font dialog box.
NOTE: Any change in font style and name selection will be applied to all defined watermark and banner settings for the current document (you cannot define multiple fonts or styles per document). The Watermark font size is not affected by your font size selection. The Screen Banner is not affected by any font setting.

- Click OK to apply your changes and close the ISOBanners/Watermark dialog box.
Viewing all Watermark/ISO Banner Strings for the Current Document
- Open a document in the document viewer and go to File > ISO Banners/Watermarks.
- In the ISO Banners / Watermark window, cick List. The watermarks and banners for each location appear. Any that are not used show as "<blank>".
- Click Edit to return to the list.