Windows Server tuning for .NET application pool

By default the IIS application pool is set to recycle at an arbitrary time offset from the time the server is started. This generally does not have a detrimental affect on FileHold, but it is a good practice to set the recycle time to a low usage time for FileHold. Recycling clears global variables and will force users to reconnect to FileHold. In versions 14 and higher this reconnection is automatic.

It is recommended to run the FHAppPool recycling at times when users are not using the system, such as 1:30 AM.

  1. Start the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. Open up the Application Pools section.
  3. Right click on FHAppPool > Recycling.
  4. In the Fixed Intervals area, clear the Regular time intervals check box.
  5. In the Specific Time area, enter a specific time for recycling.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Finish.
IIS Manager - FHAppPool recycling