Searching for users

You can search for users by first or last name, or by email. After you have found the user you are searching for, you can modify their properties, group membership, licenses, and accounts.

This applies to FileHold 14.1 versions and below. For FileHold 14.2 and above, see List of Users.

To search for a user

  1. In System Administration area in both the Web Client and FDA, go to User and Group Management > Users and click
    Search Search for user icon.
  1. In the Find People window, enter the first name, last name or email address of the person you are searching for and click Find Now.

  2. From the Search Results window, you can now modify the user account.

To search by last name

  1. Go to User and Group Management > Users and click on a letter in the alphabet at the top of the screen. The list of users with the last name starting with that letter is shown.
Search by last name quick link