Setting report security

FileHold provides a number of reports out-of-the-box that are designed to help maintain and administer FileHold. As customers add their own documents and metadata they often have specialized needs for reporting. Some of these can be satisfied using the built-in saved search feature of FileHold, but some are more complex and require a highly configurable reporting capability. Microsoft SQL Reporting Services is a tool included with SQL Server and makes an excellent platform for custom reports. FileHold enables this capability by allowing custom built SQL reports to be integrated into the FileHold user interface. The support is further enhanced by integrating access to the reports into the normal user and group security of FileHold.

Library Administrators can configure and reassign the security (group and user access) to system reports at any time. To use this feature you must first install, enable and configure SQL Reporting Services or have this performed by your IT department as per the FileHold setup guide. 

To set report security

  1. In Web Client, go to Administration Panel > System Configuration > Settings > Custom Reports.

  2. In the Reporting Services Authorization window, click Security.

  3. Select the Groups or Users that you want to allow access to the reports in the Library and click Add Groups or Add Users. The groups or users are added to the Current Members list.

  4. Click Save. Users and groups that have permissions to the reports can view them in the library tree under "Reports".