Setting the viewer license
Viewers have many user features and many benefits that increase productivity and save companies money. The FileHold viewers can display image files (jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, gif, tif, tiff), Microsoft Word (docx), and PDF documents in both the Web Client and FDA. The FileHold viewer has 3 levels, level 1, 2 and 3.
A viewer license comes standard with a registered user account. When creating a registered user they will automatically be assigned a level 1 viewer license. This can be changed to a level 2 or 3 viewer, if purchased. Users will get the use of both the PDF/Image viewer (FDA only) and the FileHold viewer when assigned a viewer license. As of FileHold 16.2, the PDF/Image viewer may be disabled by your administrator.
Read more information on the viewers and their functionality.
Note: The Brava viewer is an optional FileHold feature that is no longer available. It is retained for existing users only.
FileHold 16.0 and higher versions
To edit directly in the users list
- Go to System Management > User Management > Users.
- Click in the cell for the Viewer assignment that you want to change.
- Change the viewer license assignment.
- If the license cannot be changed in the Users list view, simple double-click on the row to view the full user properties. See Creating Locally Managed Users for more information.
Or to mass edit the viewer license for users, see Mass Editing Users.
FileHold 15.2 and lower versions
To set a viewer license for a user
- In Web Client, go to Administration Panel > System Management > User Management > Users and do one of the following:
- Click the ► next to the user name and select Properties > Account Settings.
- Select the check box next to a user name and click Set Viewer License
- Alternatively, in the FDA, go to Administration > User Management > Users. Select the check box next to the user name and click Set Viewer License
- Select one of the license options from the list:
- None
- FileHold viewer level 1
- FileHold viewer level 2
- Brava Office Viewer (Starting in 2017, Brava viewers licenses are no longer available for new purchases.)
- Brava Office Viewer, CAD (Starting in 2017, Brava viewers licenses are no longer available for new purchases.)
- Brava Office Viewer, Engineering (Starting in 2017, Brava viewers licenses are no longer available for new purchases.)
- Click OK.