Resetting the system administrator account (ver 14.0 and earlier)

If you are running FileHold 14.1 or higher version, use the User Account Password Change utility in FHIT.

A FileHold system administrator has the power to control all aspects of users in the system. They can add new system administrator users and reset their passwords. If there is only a single system administrator user and the password is forgotten then there is no way to manage FileHold users. This is an extreme circumstance that should not normally happen, but if it does there is a procedure to reset the system administrator user password.

We recommend that you always have at least two system administrator users. If there is more than one system administrator user there will be a backup in the event that a system administrator password is forgotten. This means that rather than performing the procedure below you can simply login as another system administrator user and reset the other user's password.

If the system administrator user is a Windows domain user you should use the Windows domain tools for resetting the password. For local FileHold users there is a procedure for the basic password reset and a follow on procedure in the case the system administrator got the login attempts exceeded message.

There are two specific procedures, one for Windows 2008 or 2012 Server and the other for Windows 2003 Server.

Do not use this for a regular user account that has lost its password. Instead logon to the FileHold Web Client as a System Administrator and go to System Admin > User & Group Management > Users. Select the user name and using the contextual drop down menu to the right of the name, select Reset Password. You can also go into the user properties and select the checkbox for "must change password upon next login". Never remove, delete or do anything else to users using this method - the consequences can be severe.

Windows 2008 or 2012 Server

Reset a Local FileHold System Administrator Password for a Local FileHold User

  1. Log onto the Windows 2008 or 2012 Server where the FileHold system has been installed.
  2. Start the ADSIEdit program.
  • For Windows 2008 Server, go to Start Menu > Programs > Administrative Tools > ADSI Edit.
  • For Windows 2012 Server, go to Start Menu > Administrative Tools > ADSI Edit.
  1. In ADSI Edit, click the Action menu and select Connect to…
  2. In Connection Settings, supply any value for the Connection Name. (Keep as default My Connection).
Adam adsiedit
  1. Enter FHURM in the Name field.
  2. For the Connection Point section, select the Distinguished Name (DN) or Naming Context radio button option.
  • Enter the value OU=UserRoleManager,OU=FileHold
  1. For the Computer section, select the Select or type a domain or server radio button option.
  • Enter the value localhost:389
  1. Leave all other options at default settings - all you need to do is enter three (3) items - in the Name, Connection Point, and Computer fields. See the screen shot below.
  2. Click OK.
Connection settings ADSI edit
  1. The ADSIEdit tool will then connect to the FHURM instance on localhost:389.
  2. Click the plus signs or arrows to expand the repository tree. You need to find and open the CN=Local Users folder.
  3. All your FileHold users will be in the local users folder.
  • Find the system administrator user you would like to reset.
  • Right-click on the user name and select the Reset Password... option.
Adsiedit reset password

Reset the Exceeded Login Attempts

These steps are only required if the user received the login attempts exceeded message. If you are using FileHold 14 DO NOT follow these steps. You will need to contact FileCare at [email protected] to reset the message.

Follow this procedure to reset the exceeded logins message for FileHold 12.

  1. Click the filter button and select Show only attributes that have values, and Show only writable attributes
  2. Locate the fh_Account in the user properties list.
  3. Set the fh_AccountEnabled value to True and click Apply.
  4. You may also need to reset the invalid logon attempt counter. Set the fh-InvalidLogonAttempts value (can be set to 0) and then click Apply. See screenshot below for more details.

You should now be able to login as the sysadm account.

sysadm properties

Windows 2003 Procedure

Reset a System Administrator Password for a Local FileHold User

  1. Log onto the Windows 2003 Server where the FileHold system has been installed.
  2. Go to Start Menu > Programs > ADAM > ADAM ADSI Edit.
  3. In ADAM ADSI Edit, click the Action menu and select Connect to…
  4. In Connection Settings, supply any value for the Connection Name. (Keep as default My
Adam adsiedit
  1. Select the Distinguished Name (DN) or naming context option in Connect to the following
  2. Enter the following value: OU=UserRoleManager,OU=FileHold
  3. Click OK.
  4. Expand the "Connection Name” then expand the “OU=UserRoleManager,OU=FileHold”.
ADAM adsiedit
  1. A list of folders within the ADAM repository appear. Expand the folder named CN=Local
    then right-click the username of the user you wanted to reset password.
  2. Click Reset Password.
Adsiedit reset password
  1. You may also need to re-enable account (if its locked out). Locate the fh_Account in the user properties list .
  2. Set the fh_AccountEnabled value to True and click Apply.
service account properties
Enable service account
  1. You may also need to reset the invalid logon attempt counter. Set the fh-InvalidLogonAttempts value (can be set to 0) and then click Apply.
Reset invalid login attempts