User management

The list of users is accessible in the Administration Panel in the Web Client under System Management > User Management > Users. The Users list page is where you create and manage all of your users of FileHold. Anyone accessing FileHold requires a user account, even when it is hidden as with the anonymous portal.

If you are using a version prior to version 16, refer to your product manual or the bottom of this page.

FileHold Cloud customers cannot maintain support users. Customers with hosted mode enabled can only maintain support users when logged in as a support user.

Paragraph holder

Frequently asked questions

The list of users can be filtered. Check to see if the three vertical dots in the column header are highlighted. This means there is a filter applied to the column. By selecting the three vertical dots you will be able to change or clear the filter. In FileHold version 17.0 and lower, disabled users are filtered out according to the system default.

It is possible to sort by multiple columns at one time. When you click on a column header, the sort order will be set for that column. If you click on another column header, that column will be a secondary sort to the first column. If you click on the header to sort a column and it does not appear sorted, there may already be a sorted column. Each time you click the header the column sort status will be set to a new value cycling through ascending, descending, and no sort order. You will know a column is sorted when a small arrow pointing up or down is next to the column name.

The list is designed to be flexible. It provides ways for you to add or remove columns, change sort order, filter columns, etc. If you have modified the list and just want to get it back to normal, you can choose the Settings > Restore system default settings and the list will return to what is was when your system was first installed. You can also save your own custom list configurations and quickly return to those in a similar way.

Users list

The default columns displayed are:

Column HeaderDescription
Full nameFirst and last name of the user.
User login nameThe login name of the user.
Email addressThe email address of the user. This is the email account that the FileHold notification emails are sent to.
User status

Enabled or disabled.

If you cannot see all of the users in the list, ensure that you do not have the column filtered on "Enabled" or "Disabled". The three vertical dots icon in the column heading will be highlighted if a filter has been set.

User license

Full, Limited Registered user, or Portal alias user.

A Full user license is a user that has been assigned to a group with a role of read-only or higher. Full users consume the full concurrent sessions.

A Limited Registered user is a user that has been assigned to a group with a role of Limited. A single limited registered user account can be used by a single user or shared amongst many people. Limited registered users consume the limited concurrent sessions.

A Portal alias user is a user that has been assigned to a group with the role of Limited and is used in conjunction with the Anonymous portal. Portal alias users consume the limited concurrent sessions.

For more information on limited registered or portal alias users and the anonymous portal, see Creating the Anonymous Portal.

User type
  • Local user
  • Domain user
  • Domain group – This is just a placeholder for a domain group and does not use up a user license.
DomainThe domain that the user belongs to if a domain user or group. If a local user, the domain is blank.
Guaranteed accessA concurrent session is dedicated to a user.
Viewer assignment

A FileHold viewer level 1, FileHold viewer level 2, FileHold viewer level 3, Brava Office viewer, Brava Office viewer CAD, Brava Office viewer Engineering, or None.

Starting in 2017, Brava viewer licenses are no longer available for new purchases. This information is retained for existing users only.

For more information on how to use the viewers, see Document Viewers.

Web scanningWebCap scanning license is assigned.
Group(s)The name of the group(s) the user is assigned to.
Inherited groupsDisplays the name of any FileHold groups that have a domain group assigned to it and the user is a member of.
Last loginThe last time the user logged in.


Other columns that can be displayed are: last modified date, street, PO Box, city, state/province, zip/postal code, country/region, work, mobile, home, page, instant messenger, IP phone, fax, title, company name, department, office, division, web page, and notes.

Some user properties can be changed inline directly in the Users list. For example, you can change the user’s status, viewer level, guaranteed access, and web scanning license.

To edit inline in the users list

  1. Click in the cell for the user property that you want to change.
  2. Change the property.
  3. If the property cannot be changed in the Users list view, simple double-click on the row and you can edit the full user properties. See Creating Locally Managed Users for more information.

How to manipulate the Users List view

The users list can be modified to add or remove columns, resize or change the order of the columns, sort ascending or descending, filter the results, and save these different views. The displayed information can be exported out of the system in order to do further analysis on user accounts.

Sort ascending/descending

Click on the column header to sort ascending or descending.

Alternatively, click Column header icon in the column header and select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.

An up or down arrow shows in the column header indicating the sort order. 

You can sort by more than one column. When you have sorted by one column you can choose another column to sort within the sort order of the first column. 

You can clear the sort order by clicking the column until the sort arrow disappears.

Add or remove columnsClick Column header icon in the column header and select Columns. Select the check boxes for the columns to be displayed. Clear the check boxes to remove the header.
Resize columns

Hover the cursor between the column headers to resize a column.

Resize column header icon

Click Column header icon in the column header and select Filter. Select the filter options and click Filter. The filter options available depend on what type of column is selected.

A white filter icon Column filter icon is shown in the header if the column is being filtered.

To clear the filter, go to Filter and click Clear.

Multi-select users for mass editUse Shift or Ctrl keys on your keyboard.
Change column positionDrag and drop columns to the desired position.
Group by a column

Drag and drop a column header to top blue bar that says “Drag a column header and drop it here to group by that column”.

To remove the grouping, click the X next to the header name in the blue bar.

Group by column in report

You can group by one or more columns. Simply repeat the above process for any addition columns you would like to group by. The group hierarchy can be changed by repositioning the columns in the grouping area. The arrow associated with the group column indicates the sort order for the group. Click the arrow to change the sort order. Only the rows on the current page will be grouped.

Save view settings

The current view settings are always saved and restored as the default when the page is first opened.

If you want to be able to save a view you like or you will use multiple views, the current view can be saved for reuse. Click Settings > Save. Enter a view name and click OK.

To use a saved view, go to Settings > Saved Settings > <view name>.

To delete a saved view, go to Settings > Saved Settings > <view name > Delete.

To restore to the system default view as when FileHold was installled, go to Settings > Restore system default settings.

Save report view settings
Scroll through pages

In the bottom left corner, use the scroll settings to:

  • Go to first page
  • Go to previous page
  • Go to next page
  • Go to last page

Adjust the number of items per page: 15, 30, 60

Page manipulation on report page
Refresh screen

Click Refresh in the bottom right corner.

Refresh report icon


FileHold 15.2.1 and lower versions

List of Users

The list of users is accessible in the Administration Panel in the Web Client under System Management > User Management > Users. The following functions can be completed from the Users page:



 Add Add user - Old user interface

Add a registered user.

 Add to group Add user to group - Old user interface

Add currently selected users to a group.

 Delete Delete user - Old user interface

Delete currently selected users from the system (not recommended). See Disabling Users instead.

 Set viewer license Set viewer license - Old user interface

Set a viewer license for the currently selected users.

 Enable user Enable user - Old user interface

Enable a currently disabled user.

 Disable user Disable user account - old user interface

Disable a currently enabled user.

 Automatic password reset (Web Client only) Automatic password reset - Old user interface

Send a notification email to the selected users to reset their password.

 Add web scanning license Web scaning license - Old user interface

Set a web scanning license for currently selected users.

 Remove web scanning license Remove web scanning license - Old user interface

Remove a web scanning license for currently selected users.

The Users list includes the remaining licenses panel and a filter panel.

The Remaining Licenses area contains a summary of the purchased licenses: registered users, concurrent sessions, viewers, WebCap scanning licenses, Capture licenses, SharePoint sessions and guest sessions. The various licensing options can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the + or -. The number of licenses remaining is shown in brackets.

A Registered User is someone who has a FileHold account can access the system if the account is enabled. Concurrent sessions is the total number of people allowed to use FileHold at the same time. For example, you may have purchased 250 registered user licenses and 100 concurrent sessions. This means that only 100 out of the 250 registered users can log into FileHold at the same time. The following table describes the information in the Remaining Licenses.



Registered User

Someone who has a FileHold account can access the system if the account is enabled.

Concurrent sessions

The total number of users with a role of “read only” or higher role allowed to use FileHold at the same time. For example, you may have purchased 250 registered user licenses and 100 concurrent sessions. This means that only 100 out of the 250 registered users can log into FileHold at the same time. The number of concurrent sessions in use is shown.

Guest concurrent sessions

The total number of users assigned a role of “guest user” allowed to use FileHold at the same time. For example, a generic guest user account can be created and be given to all employees to access common company information such as forms, policies, guidelines, etc. Guest concurrent sessions can be purchased in packs of 50. The number of guest sessions purchased indicates the number of users that can be using FileHold at the same time. The number of guest sessions in use is shown.

SharePoint client concurrent sessions

The total number of users that can use the Microsoft SharePoint web part. The number in use is shown.

Capture concurrent sessions

Indicates the total number of copies of SmartSoft Capture that was purchased.

A license for a single copy of Capture allows for use by any number of users. There is no restriction to the number of workstations Capture can be installed on, but the concurrent use of Capture cannot exceed the total number of single copies purchased by the customer.

For example, if the customer purchases 5 copies of Capture and installs the software on 20 workstations, 5 users can simultaneously run the software. If a 6th person attempts to run Capture, they will be told they are not licensed.

FileHold viewer level 1

The number of level 1 viewers that are licensed, allocated and available to be assigned to a user account.

Level 1 viewer includes the PDF/Image viewer in the FileHold Desktop Application and the Web Client.

FileHold viewer level 2

The number of level 2 viewers that are licensed, allocated, and available to be assigned to a user account.

Level 2 viewer includes the PDF/Image viewer in the FileHold Desktop Application and the PDF/Image/Word viewer in the Web Client.

Brava Office viewer

The number of Brava viewers that are licensed, allocated, and available to be assigned to a user account.

The Brava viewer is no longer available. It is retained for existing users only.

Brava Office viewer, CAD

The number of Brava CAD viewers that are licensed, allocated, and available to be assigned to a user account.

The Brava viewer is no longer available. It is retained for existing users only.

Brava Office viewer, Engineering

The number of Brava Engineering viewers that are licensed, allocated, and available to be assigned to a user account.

The Brava viewer is no longer available. It is retained for existing users only.

Web scanning licenses

The number of WebCap licenses that are licenses, allocated, and available.

The Filter area can be used to narrow down the users displayed in the search results below. Enabled users only, local users (non-Active Directory users) first or last name, company, department, email address, group name, and logged in dates are the filter criteria that can be used. Search results can be exported as a csv file. If no filter criteria are used then all users are displayed in the search results. A unique ID number is given to each user. In the event that users have exactly the same name, the unique ID number can be used to differentiate between the same named users. This unique ID is used in the various logs and reports.

The number of users is shown in the search results list. The number of rows that are displayed in the report view can be adjusted to show 15, 30, or 60 rows at a time. Click on the column to sort in ascending or descending order.

To search for a user

  1. Go to Administration Panel > System Management > User Management > Users.

  2. Use any of the following filters:

  • Enabled users only

  • Local users only

  • First or last name starts with

  • Company starts with

  • Department starts with

  • Email address contains

  • Group

  • Last logged on from <date> to <date>

  1. Click Apply Filter. The number of results and the report are shown below. The number of rows that are displayed in the report view can be adjusted to show 15, 30, or 60 rows at a time. Click on the column to sort in ascending or descending order.

  2. To export the results, click Export as CSV.

The information displayed in the results are:

Icon Column Header Description
Enabled domain user - Old user interface   FileHold local or domain user. Account may be enabled or disabled.
Disabled domain user - Old user interface   A domain user that has been disabled in the domain.
Domain group - Old user interface   Domain group. This is used as a placeholder when creating FileHold groups.
  Full name First and last name of the user. 
  User login name The login name of the user.
  User status Enabled or disabled.
  Guaranteed access A concurrent session is dedicated to a user Yes or No
  Viewer assignment A FileHold viewer level 1, FileHold viewer level 2, Brava Office viewer, Brava Office viewer CAD, Brava Office viewer Engineering, or None. Note that the Brava viewer is no longer available. It is retained for existing users only.
  Web scanning Web scanning (WebCap) is assigned Yes/No.
  User type Local or domain user.
  Domain The domain that the user belongs to if a domain user. If a local user, the domain is blank.
  Group(s) The name of the groups the user is assigned to.
  Last login The last time the user logged in.
  Last modified date The last time the user profile was updated.