Instrumentation utility for the FileHold server (FHIT)

The FileHold Instrumentation Tool (FHIT) application is used to help automate low level configuration changes and management after the server has been installed. It should only be run by a FileHold technician or a qualified IT administrator.

To run this tool successfully the user must have one of more of the following permissions depending on what operations they plan to perform:

  • The FileHold system administration role,
  • Local server administration of the FileHold application or web client server,
  • Administration of the MS SQL Server database where the FileHold databases are stored, and or 
  • Domain administration.

The FileHold Instrumentation Tool is provided to end users on an as-is basis without any express or implied warranties. Take all normal precautions such as backing up vital data, verifying changes on a test server, insuring all users are disconnected, etc. before using this tool. In most cases, FHIT only makes changes to FileHold configuration without consideration for other system configuration that may be necessary outside of FileHold.

FHIT can be executed from the C:\Program Files\FileHold Systems\Application Server\FHInstrumentation folder.

In many cases where FHIT will change configuration files it will also provide options to backup or restore settings. It is good practice to backup immediately before making a configuration change allowing you to easily restore if the configuration change does not have the desired effect.

Service account change

Users management (FileHold 15 and higher versions)

  • Merge local users with domain users – Used to migrate local accounts with their memberships, permissions, and access rights over to equivalent Active Directory accounts.
  • Export GUIDs – Used to get a list of GUIDs assigned to users and groups in the system. This is typically used to assign permissions in auto-filing scripts.
  • Change user password – Used to reset the system administrator password.
  • Update full names – For updating all user names with a middle initial.

ADAM objects management (FileHold 14, 14.1, 14.2 only)

Tools not documented below are tools that should specifically be used by FileHold support staff or authorized FileHold certified resellers:

  • Install basic ADAM configuration – To install a basic ADAM instance so that user/group objects can be restored to this instance. For locally managed systems only.
  • Import users from database – Used to move information from the database to the ADAM instance during a migration.
  • Merge local users with domain users – Used to migrate local accounts with their memberships, permissions, and access rights over to equivalent Active Directory accounts.
  • Manage passwords
    • This provides the ability to mass reset all passwords
    • Force password change during next logon
    • Undo the Force password change during next login.

Manage passwords is effective for local FileHold users only. Active directory users must be managed with active directory tools.

  • Export GUIDs – Used to get a list of GUIDs assigned to users and groups in the system. This is typically used to assign permissions in auto-filing scripts.
  • Change user password – Used to reset the system administrator password (FileHold 14.1, 14.2).

Change port, server name or protocol

Change database server or server instance

Search engine

Allows you to rebuild the full text search, re-index documents or delete orphan files.

  • Rebuild FTS
  • Index documents
  • Turn on Debug
  • Turn off Debug
  • Delete orphan documents from search queue

FDA configuration

Create FDA installation template file which is useful for mass deploying FileHold Desktop Application

FIPS compatibility

For authorized US Government customers who need FIPS-140 compliance on the FileHold Server. Allows customers who are authorized to use this tool to both Turn on FIPS and Turn off FIPS compatibility. Do not run this tool unless given written authorization from FileHold Systems.

Configure Anonymous Portal

The anonymous portal (formerly known as the guest portal) allows your organization or clients to easily access documents in your repository such as newsletters, forms, or corporate policies without having the need for a registered user license or to login with a username or password.

Health Checker

The Health Checker tool to validate a new Server installation, post Server upgrade or anytime to ensure that FileHold Server is correctly configured. This checks over 250 server variables and configuration settings on the Server OS, .NET framework, Service Account, Database, Full Text Search and more.

Report viewer (FileHold 14.1 and higher versions)

Allows you to view the logs of exported reports that may have been generated using the various FHIT wizards.

The Report Viewer also allows you to upload the report and view the list of entries with the severity (information, warning, or error) as well as any details about the error. The logs can be exported into an XML or text file.

FileHold library setup

The FileHold configuration (library structure, metadata, workflow templates, saved searches, etc.) and documents can exported and then reimported into another FileHold server instance using the following tools.

  • Export Configuration
  • Import Configuration
  • Export Documents (with metadata)

These tools are designed to work with like versions of FileHold only. They may work across versions in some cases, but users should test this capability before committing to using these tools between different versions of FileHold.

FileHold repository checker

Checks the integrity of the FileHold repository against the database. For example, if there are missing and/or orphan files, entries in the database that have no file association, or files that have no entries in the database.

AD Synchronization (FileHold 14 and higher versions)

Synchronizes Active Directory Domain using FileHold Active Directory synchronization system.

About FileHold

Displays the FileHold Version and Build Number.