Change port, server name, or protocol of application server
The base configuration settings for the interoperations between FileHold components are set in various web config files. Normally there is no need to change these settings, but if you must, FHIT has an option for changing one or all three of the application server port, name, and protocol. It automatically updates the necessary web config files with new values. You do not need to change any of these values to make FileHold accessible on the internet. Please refer to if you would like your FileHold system to be available from the internet.
This tool is available to customers that manage their own FileHold systems. You will not have access to this tool if you are a FileHold Cloud customer.
FHIT only modifies the FileHold web config files. You may need to make other changes in Windows, in your firewalls, etc. in order for these changes to have the desired effect. For example, if you change a port or protocol, you will likely need to change a binding in IIS.
- Change Port: You have an internal port conflict on your FileHold server.
- Change Server Name: You need to change the name Windows server that is hosting the FileHold application server, you are cloning your production system to test or switching a web client only server to point to a new application server.
- Change Protocol from HTTP to HTTPS: You want to use a secure protocol for the interprocess communication on the FileHold application server.
This utility makes changes to critical configuration on your FileHold server. Assistance for using this utility or repairing damage caused by this utility is not included in FileCare. The FileHold professional services team is available to assist with making changes to these values. MAKE A BACKUP of your application server folder before running this tool.
Starting the change utility
- In FHIT, select Change server configuration.
- Select the Change port, server name, or protocol option.
- Press .
- Choose or enter the location of the FileHold application server folder.
- Click .
After you have made one or more of the changes below, run the Health Checker to make sure the system is operating normally.
Change port
- To change the server port requires you to have an understanding of IIS web server administration using the IIS Admin management application. This involves switching the port used by the web site and following this process.
- Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- Select the Web site that you wish to configure.
- In the pane, click .
- Click to add a new site binding, or click to change an existing binding.
- Click to apply the changes.
- Start the change utility as described above.
- Select Change Port Number.
- Enter the port number you configured in step 1.
- Click . A list of web config files will be displayed. This list will be different if the changes are being made on a web client only server or an application server.
- Changes to web config files cause IIS to automatically recycle and make the new values effective.
Change application server name
- Change the Windows server name for your application server as needed.
If you are using this utility on a FileHold application server you may need to make changes to your SQL server, network service accounts, and other system functions. These steps are not covered here.
- Start the change utility as described above.
- Select Change Server Name.
- Enter the new name of your application server. The server must be able to resolve the name to the address of the server using DNS, HOSTS, etc.
- Click . A list of web config files will be displayed. This list will be different if the changes are being made on a web client only server or an application server.
- Changes to web config files cause IIS to automatically recycle and make the new values effective.
- Change client connection URLs as needed.
Change application server message protocol
Messages between different parts of FileHold are normally ever only executed a single application server. Unless your organization has a policy that prohibits HTTP bindings on production servers, there is no need to configure HTTPS. You can simply block access to HTTP using the Windows firewall. If you are trying to make your FileHold server accessible over the internet with a secure protocol this feature will not help you. Review our article on making your server internet accessible.
- Start the change utility as described above.
- Select Change Protocol.
- Select HTTP or HTTPS as appropriate. Port 80 or port 443 will be used, repectively, by default.
- Click . A list of web config files will be displayed. This list will be different if the changes are being made on a web client only server or an application server.
- Changes to web config files cause IIS to automatically recycle and make the new values effective.
This change will not estabish the necessary port and certificate bindings in IIS. You must create these bindings using normal IIS management tools.