Client options management overview
The Client Options area allows system administrators to globally manage:
- Alert preferences
- Workflow preferences
- FastFind preferences
- FDA advanced settings
- Advanced search settings
- Miscellaneous preferences
When the options are set globally by the administrator:
- They can be set as the default value and then changed by the end user if desired.
- They can be set and then “enforced” meaning that the end users cannot modify the option.
Administrators can set the default option values and update them at any time. Once the default options are set and saved, they will be pushed out to the end users if the option is enforced or if they have not have been already set by the end user. If end users have their own preferences set, they will not be overwritten upon saving the settings, unless the option is set to enforced.
Any changes made in the centralized options management area will be recorded in the System Administrator Audit Log.
If any of the options are “enforced”, they can be enforced only for anyone who has a lower role than Library Administrators. Library and System Administrators can still modify preferences even if they are enforced if enabled. See below for more information.
Allowing administrators to bypass enforced options
Library Administrator roles and higher can bypass the enforced preferences by enabling the setting below.
To allow users with a role of Library Administration or higher to bypass the enforcement of the centralized management options
- In the Web Client, go to Administration Panel > System Configuration > Settings > General.
- In the Client Options area, select the Exclude Administrators check box. When enabled, Library Administrators and higher roles can set their own preferences regardless of what options are enforced in the global settings.