Importing documents from scanning applications
Use the Manage Imports tool to bring scanned documents via an XML import file into the DMS in the Desktop Application (FDA). Once files have been scanned they can be imported automatically into the document management system along with any Zonal OCR'd text. If you have captured Zonal OCR information on the scanned document, this information is captured in the XML file which can be mapped to metadata fields in a schema. The metadata fields are automatically populated once the import into the document management system is completed. The tool can also automatically send the imported file to a destination folder within the document management software Library. You can create an import for each type of scanned document.
A user must have at least Library Administration level security role membership via a FileHold Group to add / edit / create a Manage Import on a workstation. Regular users can run Manage Imports.
Be sure to have set the scanning import option in the user preferences to Dynamic Import or Capture. If you are using the “Both” option in the user preferences, ensure that folder you select for the import profile contains only one type of XML files. The rule also applied for any of its subfolders. Capture and classic XML files cannot coexist in the same folder tree.
To import files from scanned documents
- In FDA, go to Tools > Manage Imports and click Add.
- If the document import format has been set to “Both” in the user preferences, select one of the options:
- Dynamic import / Classic FileHold XML – Select this option if you are importing emails from Microsoft Outlook using the Outlook Watched Folder feature, of if you are importing documents that were exported from another FileHold system.
- Capture / FileHold XML – Select this option if you are importing documents from the SmartSoft Capture scanning software.
- In the General tab, enter an Import Name and Description.
- In the Select folder containing Import File field, click Browse to locate the XML file that was created during the Zonal OCR scanning process.
- Click Retrieve XML Fields. A message saying that XML fields were successfully retrieved is displayed.
- If integrating with SmartSoft Capture, browse and select the XML file.
- If integrating with EMC Captiva QuickScan Pro, no further steps are needed.
- To share the import with other users on the local machine, select the Share this import with other users check box. This allows any imported documents to appear in the other user's Inbox as well as your Inbox for filing.
- In the Job Automation Settings area, select the following check boxes if applicable:
- Watch for new files to be imported and automatically tag and bring them into the Inbox - When enabled, the documents scanned into the import folder are automatically tagged with metadata values and brought into the Inbox. If disabled, then the import has to be run manually using the Start button.
- Delete input files after they have been successfully added to the FileHold Library - The folder where the documents were imported from are deleted automatically. This keeps the import folder clean and reduces storage space needed.
- Move input files to the selected folder - After files have been imported into FileHold, they can be moved from the file location from which they were imported from to another location on the local computer or network. If a file with the same name exists in the destination folder, a unique number is appended to the file name. This option cannot be used in conjunction with the "Delete input files after they have been successfully added to the FileHold Library" check box.
If you do not select to delete or move the files they are added to the working documents. If you do not regularly clean up your working documents this list could become very large.
- In the Field Mapping tab, select the schema to map the imported XML fields to from the Select Destination Document Type drop-down list.
- Once a schema is selected, map the corresponding source (Zonal OCR) index fields to the metadata fields in the schema.
- In the Database Lookup tab, select one of the following options:
- Perform server side lookup of metadata – Select this check box to perform a database lookup from the server instead of the client machine. This option is only available if the schema selected in the Field Mapping tab is a schema that is configured to use database lookup. When importing, the values retrieved from the lookup overrides any of the mapped field values from the XML file.
- Perform lookup of metadata from a database – Allows you to configure the database you want to use for the lookups on the client side. This option is not available if the “Perform server side lookup” option is selected. Fill out the following information:
Field | Description |
Select XML Field to use for Lookup | From the drop down list, select the XML field to use as the database lookup. |
Server Name | Enter the server name. Click Refresh to get a list of all servers. |
Use Integrated Authentication | Select the check box if applicable. |
Database Username | Enter the username that has access to the database. |
Database Password | Enter the password that matches the username and click Verify Connection. |
Database name | Select the database name from the list. |
Select Lookup Table | Select the table or view to use for the lookup. |
Database Lookup Field | Select the column in the table or view to use for retrieval for the XML field lookup value. Click Retrieve DB Fields. |
- In the Auto-filing tab, you can select the location for the imported documents. Select from the following options:
- Auto-filing off - Documents are sent to the Inbox for processing.
- Automatically send files to a single folder in FileHold - You can set the destination folder for all the documents in the import to a single folder location. Click Browse to select the folder in the Library.
- Automatically send files to the auto-filing location defined in the document schema - Auto-filing rules are applied that are set in the schema.
- Automatically send files to the auto-filing location according to the rules below:
- Use an auto-filing template - Select the template name from the list.
- Use a custom auto-filing script - Select the auto-filing script from the list.
- In the Job Automation Settings area, select the Automatically "Send Files" to the FileHold Library with an Inbox Status of "Ready to Send" to completely bypass the Inbox and go directly to the folder location set above. This way you do not have to go to the Inbox and click Send or Send All. The documents are sent automatically to the set folder location.
- Click OK to save the Import settings.
- To delete an import, click the red X next to the import name in the List of Document Imports.