Completing workflow tasks in Mobile FileHold
Documents can be reviewed and approved from Mobile FileHold when under a workflow.
- The review activity is designed to facilitate the collection of comments and feedback on a file from other document management system users.
- The approval activity is designed to facilitate the formal collection of signatures / approvals for a single version of a document.
If there are tasks to be completed by the user, a red dot appears on the Review and/or Approve icons. If there are no review or approval tasks to be completed by the user, no red dot appears on the Review or Approve icons.
Reviewing documents in Mobile FileHold
To review documents (New interface)
To review documents using the New interface (FileHold 16.2), see Reviewing Documents in a Workflow.
To review documents (Classic interface)
- From the Home screen, tap My Tasks . If there are tasks to be completed, a red dot appears on the Review icon .
- Tap Review Documents . The list of documents that requires review is displayed.
- To reserve the review task, click "R". To undo the reservation, click "C".
- Tap Show Documents next to the assigned task. The list of main and supporting documents in the workflow are shown.
- To view the metadata and version properties or get a copy of the document, tap the document name. Scroll through the metadata and version properties for all documents associated with the workflow using Previous and Next .
- To submit a review for all the listed main documents, tap Review at the bottom of the list.
- In the Comments area, type any comments for the document.
- Tap Browse to attach a feedback document.
- To submit the review for the document, tap Review . The document is now reviewed and is removed from the My Tasks list.
- Alternatively, tap Cancel to return to the My Tasks screen.
Approving documents in Mobile FileHold
To approve documents (New interface)
To approve documents using the New interface (FileHold 16.2), see Approving Documents in a Workflow.
To approve documents (Classic interface)
- From the Home screen, tap My Tasks . If there are tasks to be completed, a red dot appears on the Approve icon .
- Tap Approve Documents . The list of documents that requires approval is displayed.
- To reserve the approval task, click "R". To undo the reservation, click "C".
- Tap Show Documents next to the assigned task. The list of main and supporting documents in the workflow are shown.
- To view the metadata and version properties or get a copy of the document, tap the document name. Scroll through the metadata and version properties for all documents associated with the workflow using Previous and Next .
- To submit an approval for all the listed main documents, tap Approve at the bottom of the list.
- In the Comments area, type any comments for the document.
- Tap Browse to attach a feedback document.
- To approve the document, tap Approve .
- To not approve the document, tap Do Not Approve .
- To postpone the approval (delay the workflow until a later time), tap Approval Postponed .
- In order to submit an approval or rejection, enter your FileHold password and tap OK. The task is completed and is removed from the My Tasks list.
- Alternatively, tap Cancel to return to the My Tasks screen.
External signatures in Mobile FileHold
To send a document for external signature using the New interface (FileHold 16.2), see External signatures in a workflow with Adobe Acrobat Sign.