Adding groups or users to a schema
Add groups and users to the schema membership to allow members to:
- Add documents of this type to the library
- Edit metadata for documents of this type
- Search for documents of this type
- View documents of this type
- Use links to documents of this type
Groups are created by the System Administrator. Groups can be made of one or more users. Members are individual users. Library Administrators define membership at the cabinet, folder and schema level and can be a mixture of groups or individuals.
Anyone or any groups that have a Cabinet Administration role or higher automatically has access to the schema. That is why they do not appear in the list of available users or groups.
From an administrative perspective, it is easier to have cabinets, folders and schema memberships contain group memberships instead of individual user memberships as much as possible. This greatly reduces administrator overhead of adding users to many cabinets, folders and schemas. Adding a new user to a group automatically gives a user access to the cabinets, folders and schemas that they groups belong to.
To add groups or users to a schema
In the Web Client, go to Administration Panel > Library Configuration > Document Schemas and select Membership.
Alternatively, in FDA, go to Administration > Manage Schemas > Document Schemas > Schema Name > Membership tab.
In the Group By field, select a group from the list.
To add a group, select a group in the Available FileHold Groups area and click Add Groups.
To add individual users, select a user name in the Eligible Users in FileHold Group area and click Add Users.
The Current Members of the Schema Name displays the list of groups and users that are able to access the schema. To remove a group or user, select the name and click Remove Members.
Click Next in the Document Schema Wizard to add Metadata fields.