Restricting access to FileHold
You can restrict access to the document management system at any time. This allows only Administrators to access to FileHold during an upgrade or when making major changes to the system. When access is restricted, users will not be able to log in.
If access has been restricted and a user attempts to log in they will receive a warning message “You cannot log in because the system access is currently restricted by the administrator.”
To restrict access to the system
In the Web Client, go to Administration Panel > Library Configuration > Settings > General.
In the Restricted Access area, set the level of restriction to one of the following options:
All Users – All users have access to the system. Both Library Administrators and System Administrators can set this option.
Library and System Administrators – Only Library and System Administrators have access to the system. Both Library Administrators and System Administrators can set this option.
System Administrators – Only System Administrators have access to the system. Only System Administrators can set this option.
Click Update. Remember to resume access to the system after your updates have been made.