Creating document schemas
A document schema defines attributes of a document including metadata fields used with a document, who has access to a document, workflows that can be initiated on a document, the document lifecycle, and more.
Schemas classify documents in one of three formats:
Electronic Documents are documents that will change over time or "working documents". These documents typically undergo the full lifecycle of addition, revision and deletion. For this reason, files associated with these types of schemas will need to be version controlled. The FileHold library retains unique copies of each version of a document. This is the only document format that can be processed by the server side OCR engine.
Electronic Records prevents files associated with this schema from being modified by any user. Once a document is assigned the electronic record format it is not possible to create new versions of the document. Electronic records are documents that will never change and are typically proof of some form of transaction that occurred within the company. Files of this nature can only be deleted by administrators or by the archive and deletion policies as set for the schema. The storage of files using an electronic record schema is used mainly for compliance with record retention policies such as ISO 15489, Sarbanes Oxley, HIPPAA or DoD 5015.
Offline document represent objects or entities that are not stored in FileHold as document files. With offline documents FileHold only stores information about the object or entity. A common use for the offline document format is to keep a reference to a physical document that is stored outside of the electronic library. An example may be a large architectural document, rare periodical, large blueprint, map, or signed contract that has yet to be scanned. There are many other possible uses since an offline document appears in FileHold as an electronic document or record. They can be searched, linked, checked in or out, have workflows initiated on them, and have a document lifecycle.
You cannot have two schemas that have the same name. If you delete a schema the document management system will remember its name in perpetuity. If you plan to delete a schema we suggest you rename it to a name you would not be likely to use again. This will help you to avoid the chance of being prevented from using a schema name in the future. For example, if you plan to delete a schema named Contract, you could rename it to Contract(deleted20130820) to avoid a future conflict using the name Contract.
To create a document schema
In the Web Client, go to Administration Panel > Library Configuration > Document Schemas and click Add Schema. The Document Schema Wizard opens.
Alternatively, in FDA go to Administration > Manage Schemas > Document Schemas and click Add Schema (+ sign).
In the General area, enter a schema Name, Description, and select the schema format:
Electronic Document
Electronic Record
Offline Document — See Creating Document Schemas for Offline Documents for more information.
In the Custom Document Numbering area, select or both of the following (optional):
Document Control Field — Used to assign a specific number to a document and use it throughout its lifecycle. This field is useful for when documents are tightly controlled. Document control fields can be automatically generated or entered manually by a user. This is an optional setting that must be enabled before any documents are added to the schema. This feature is also known as a Document Control Number. You will need to set up control fields in the Control Fields section. See Document and Version Control Numbers for more information.
Version Control Field — Version Control Numbers provide a facility to create a version number with a common prefix that can never be removed from the document. Version Control Numbers are always optional on a document. They are entered when adding a document, checking in a document, or at any time the document metadata is edited in the document management system. By default the version number is carried over from the last version when the document is checked in. Version Control Fields have a mandatory prefix which does not have to be unique. The prefix is always displayed with the field where ever the field is displayed. The value in the Version Control Field does not need to be unique. See Document and Version Control Numbers for more information.
Click Next or Membership in the Document Schema Wizard to add group security rights to the schema.