Configuring the AutofilingMembership.xml file for auto-filing

To set up Auto-filing in the FileHold system using the pre-configured scripts, you need to do the following:

  • Get the list of GUIDs to assign membership to the automatically created Cabinets, Drawers, and Folders. A GUID is a unique ID number for each user and group.
  • Edit the AutofilingMembership.xml file with the unique GUIDs.

Retrieving the GUIDs (FileHold 14 and later)

To retrieve the list of GUIDs

  1. On the FileHold server, run FH Instrumentation Tools (FHIT) in C:\Program Files\FileHold Systems\Application Server\FHInstrumentation.
  2. In FHIT, go to Actions > Users management and select the Export GUIDs option.
  3. Click Start.
  4. In the Export GUIDs window, do the following:
  • Enter the name of the Microsoft SQL server that FileHold runs on.
  • Select an authentication option. Enter the username and password if required.
  • Set the destination to save the file on the server.
  1. Click Next.
  2. Click Export. You will receive a message that states that the export completed successfully.
  3. Click Finish.
  4. Open the GUIDs.txt file that was successfully exported.
  5. Use the GUIDs in the file to assign membership to the Cabinets, Drawers, and Folders in the AutofilingMembership.xml file using the procedure below.

Retrieving the GUIDs (FileHold 12 and earlier)

A GUID is a unique ID number for each user and group in the FileHold system. You will need the GUID number in order to assign the automatically generated Cabinets/Drawers/Folders to a user or group. To get a list of the GUIDs for the users, you will need to run the ADAMDump application on the server.

Retrieve the List of GUIDs

  1. On the FileHold server, go to C:\Program Files\FileHold Systems\Application Server\ADAMDump
  2. Double-click the ADAMDump.exe file.
  3. In the ADAM Dump window, click Retrieve GUIDs. You need to run the application as a System Administrator.
  4. You will receive a message that states that the FHURM Objects have been retrieved and stored in the FHURMObjects.txt file. Click OK.
  5. In the same directory as the ADAMDump.exe file, open the FHURMObjects.txt file.
  6. Use the GUIDs in the file to assign membership to the Cabinets, Drawers, and Folders in the AutofilingMembership.xml file.
Sample GUIDS.txt file

Using the GUIDs in the AutofilingMembership XML file

In order to use the auto-filing scripts provided in FileHold, you will need to edit the AutofilingMembership.xml file.

Edit the AutofilingMembership.xml file

  1. On the FileHold server, go to C:\Program Files\FileHold Systems\Application Server\LibraryManager\AutoFiling
  2. Open the XML file in Notepad or an XML editing tool.
  3. Save the XML file once you have done editing the file with the GUIDs.

Example of an unedited AutofilingMembership.xml File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<AutoFilingScripts xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

<!-- If you are using the Date-Based auto-filing script, fill out this section -->

      <!--Here you can put a description of a member-->
      <Member>Please provide here a guid of a requested user in format dddddddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddddddddddd</Member>
      <!--Here you can put a description of a member-->
      <Member>Please provide here a guid of a requested user in format dddddddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddddddddddd</Member>
      <!--Here you can put a description of a member-->
      <Member>Please provide here a guid of a requested user in format dddddddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddddddddddd</Member>
      <!--Alternatively uncomment this node to make folders inherit members from cabinet-->
      <!--<Inherit />-->

<!-- If you are using the SchemaName-Date-Based auto-filing script, fill out this section -->
      <!--Here you can put a description of a member-->
      <Member>Please provide here a guid of a requested user in format dddddddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddddddddddd</Member>
      <!--Here you can put a description of a member-->
      <Member>Please provide here a guid of a requested user in format dddddddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddddddddddd</Member>
      <!--Alternatively uncomment this node to make folders inherit members from cabinet-->
      <!--<Inherit />-->

<!-- If you are using the FilePathFromMD auto-filing script, fill out this section -->
    <!-- Enter name of metadata field containing the destination location -->
    <!-- Enter single character used as separator of location parts -->
      <!--Here you can put a description of a member-->
      <Member>Please provide here a guid of a requested user in format dddddddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddddddddddd</Member>
      <!--Here you can put a description of a member-->
      <Member>Please provide here a guid of a requested user in format dddddddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddddddddddd</Member>
      <!--Alternatively uncomment this node to make folders inherit members from cabinet-->
      <!--<Inherit />-->

Example of an edited AutofilingMembership.xml file updated with the GUIDs

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AutoFilingScripts xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <!--Engineering Publishers-->
      <!--Engineering group with editing rights-->
      <!--Engineering - all-->
      <!--Alternatively uncomment this node to make folders inherit members from cabinet-->
      <!--<Inherit />-->

      <!--Basie McMarvin-->
      <!--Sabine Marie-->
      <!--Alternatively uncomment this node to make folders inherit members from cabinet-->
      <!--<Inherit />-->

    <!--Autofiling Destination location -->
    <!-- Enter single character used as separator of location parts -->
      <!--Library Admin-->
      <!--Document Publishers-->
      <!--Alternatively uncomment this node to make folders inherit members from cabinet-->
      <!--<Inherit />-->

      <!--Engineering Publishers-->
      <!--Engineering group with editing rights-->
      <!--Engineering - all-->
      <!--Alternatively uncomment this node to make folders inherit members from cabinet-->
      <!--<Inherit />-->

      <!--Basie McMarvin-->
      <!--Sabine Marie-->
      <!--Alternatively uncomment this node to make folders inherit members from cabinet-->
      <!--<Inherit />-->

    <!--Autofiling Destination location -->
    <!-- Enter single character used as separator of location parts -->
      <!--Library Admin-->
      <!--Document Publishers-->
      <!--Alternatively uncomment this node to make folders inherit members from cabinet-->
      <!--<Inherit />-->