Customizing FileHold Web Client login screen
You can customize the footer of the Web Client's login page for custom text, instructions, images, links, and so on to make the Web Client look like your own "document portal".
Starting with FileHold 17.0, this customization is now performed through the administration screens.

You can only create a custom footer as .html, .htm or .aspx file formats ONLY. Files with different extensions will not be capable of being displayed in the login page.
You should be skilled with HTML coding in order to use the information in this knowledge article. FileHold professional services are available for any customer that would like changes made to their login page. Modifying the login page is not covered by FileCare.
When you upgrade FileHold from one version to another you should apply any customizations to the newly upgraded version when the upgrade is complete otherwise the default will be used.
Before you begin the customization
Make a backup copy of the Web Client folder: C:\Program Files\FileHold Systems\Application Server\WebClient\ in the event that you need to revert to the original version.
Customization procedure
To customize the login page footer
Go to C:\Program Files\FileHold Systems\Application Server\WebClient\Custom and open the LoginPageCustomization.html file. You can use a text editor or similar application to edit the file.
Add your content to this page. Do no change existing information; you are only adding to this page. For example:
<div style="background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #667788; padding: 10px; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold;"><center> <br> Welcome to the FileHold Corporate Document Management System</br> <img src="/FH/FileHold/WebClient/MS_gold_partner_logo.gif" alt="Microsoft Gold partner logo" width="266" height="60" border="0"> <a href="http://www.InstantSSL.com" title="SSL Certificate Authority" style="font-family: arial; font-size: 10px; text-decoration: none;"><img src="/FH/FileHold/WebClient/images/InstantSSL-DV_tl_white.gif" alt="Certificate Authority" title="SSL Certificate Authority" border="0" /><br />SSL Certificate Authority</a></center> </div>
Go to C:\Program Files\FileHold Systems\Application Server\WebClient\ and open the web.config file.
Locate and modify the LoginCustomizationPath key and enter the path to the custom login page footer. For example:
<add key="LoginCustomizationPath" value="Custom/LoginPageCustomization.html" />
- Refresh the browser to view the custom footer.