How to rebrand FileHold
Rebranding of FileHold software is the process of replacing special character strings, in which the word / name “FileHold” is used, in all visible user interfaces (screens, web pages, message boxes etc.) for both the Web Client and the Desktop Application (FDA), including the Microsoft Office Client.
Rebranding is an optional licensed feature. For more information on private or OEM branding of FileHold contact [email protected].
Changing the FileHold software strings
Web client software application
The following strings can be replaced:
“FileHold” — refers to the product name and featured in many places throughout the user interface.
“My FileHold” — refers to the document repository name and featured in the library navigation tree.
“FileHold Systems Inc.” — refers to the company name and featured on several screens.
“FileHold Website” — website name visible on the Web Client login screen.
“FileHold Website URL” — URL pointing to the web site.
“FDA” — an abbreviation for Desktop Application (FDA) featured on some screens in the system. Administration section of Web Client (i.e.: on the License Information screen or the Activity Log Report screen).
"Desktop Application” — full reference to the Desktop Client application featured on some screens in the System Administration section of Web Client.
Desktop software client application
The following strings can be replaced:
“FileHold” — refers to the product name and featured in many places throughout the user interface.
“My FileHold” — refers to the document repository name and featured in the library navigation tree.
“FileHold Systems Inc.” — refers to the company name and featured on several screens.
“FDA” — an abbreviation for Desktop Application (FDA) featured on many screens / dialog boxes.
“FileHold Desktop Application” — full reference to the Desktop Client application featured on many screens / dialog boxes.
For FDA rebranding there is also an ability to set up custom:
About Box URL
About Box e-mail address
Report Feature URL (URL to a site and page where new feature suggestions could be reported by regular users)
For example, a fictitious ABC Inc. customer requests rebranding for the Web Client application, which can be performed using the tools and processes:
Replace “FileHold” with “ABC”
Replace “My FileHold” with “My ABC Docs”
Replace “FileHold Systems Inc.” with “ABC Inc.”
Replace “FileHold Website” with “ABC Website”
Replace “FileHold Website URL” with www. ABC.com
Replace “FDA” with “ABC–DA” (abbreviation for ABC Desktop Application)
Replace “FileHold Desktop Application” with “ABC Desktop Application”
All strings in the Web Client that can be replaced reside in resource files in a special directory on the server. For the Desktop Application the resource files reside within the compiled Desktop Application on users’ machines.
The replaced strings must be within the “number of characters” parameters that has set for these fields and in most cases are limited to the number of characters of the default strings (please contact the Support team for details).
Both the rebranding of Web Client and Desktop Application (including Microsoft Office Client) is available as a chargeable service and for the rebranding to take effect the corresponding options must be enabled in the document software license (two separate licensing options – one for Web Client and one for the Desktop Application).
Upon purchasing the Web Client rebranding service, the license option is activated and a special wizard tool, has been developed specially to support the rebranding services, will be made available to the Customer. Using this tool an administrator of the customer’s system (with the assistance from the FileHold Professional Services team, if required) will be able to perform the rebranding process against the live system at their site.
Here is a sample screen from the Web Client Rebranding tool, with the new custom values entered:

In the case of Web Client, rebranding can also include the replacement of the logos with the customer or partner logos. This process, although simple, is not automated and requires a collaboration between a FileHold Professional Service team representative and customer’s IT personnel. There are strict requirements on logo size for the two types of logos which could be replaced. See Customizing the Web Client Login Screen and Adding a Custom Logo to the Web Client Header for details.
If a Customer requires that Desktop Application be rebranded, after purchasing this service they would provide the requested custom replacement strings for all categories / areas to the FileHold Professional Service Team who will execute the rebranding process using our automated tool.
Here is a sample screen from the FDA Rebranding Tool, with the default values (before entering the new custom values):

The new strings, as requested by the customer, are entered into relevant fields and the rebranding process is started by invoking the Convert button. After replacing all default strings with the new ones in all resource files, the entire FDA, including the rebranded resource files, are recompiled and the new FDA.exe is generated. The rebranded Desktop Client application can then be sent to the customer to be copied to the end-user machines; however, the license with the FDA rebranding option enabled must be in place for those machines to be able to connect to the software Server.
Only the interfaces of the application clients will undergo the rebranding process. None of the product installers can currently be rebranded. As a consequence the desktop shortcut icon name is not rebranded because it is installed by the installer. Therefore you must change the logo manually after Desktop Application is installed.
When considering rebranding the task of installing upgrades needs to be considered. There will undoubtedly be new references to “FileHold” in future product releases so the rebranding process will need to be re-run after the system is upgraded to a new version as the new version will be installed using standard resource files. This will have to be done by the customer for the Web Client application on the server and the new rebranded version of the Desktop Applications (with the compiled resource files). It will be delivered to the customer free of charge as long as the original license was purchased with the Rebranding option(s) and the customer is on the FileCare support program.
"FileHold” will continue to be visible on the License Information page in the System Administration section of Web Client as part of the Version Number and Build Number numbering scheme.
In addition to the rebranding described above, customers can further customize their applications by changing colors for the Web Client application or the entire “color schemes” for the Desktop Application. The techniques to perform such customizations are not unique to FileHold software application and are well known within the IT community; therefore, they are not discussed here.