FileHold Blog


Happy New Year! It seems like enough of 2019 has passed that a new blog post is in order. The idea of merge templates came to FileHold in version 15.2 as a part of the convert to PDF feature inside workflow. In version 16.0 the idea was extended to use them with Assemble for flexible document...


You cannot turn on the television news or open a newspaper without learning about recent natural disasters hitting our world. Floods, fire, landslides, hurricanes and earthquakes seem to becoming more and more frequent. Definitely something we need to think about and plan for both from a personal...
It is that time again and there is a new release of FileHold to chomp on. If you are a FileCare customer the cost of upgrading on the same server is automatically included with your FileCare agreement. If you are still hanging on to version 14.x, time to get serious about scheduling your upgrade...
FileHold is capable of electronically managing and eliminating all paper processes in your office including organizing a social event such as a barbecue. (The following is a true story. The name of the company has been deliberately omitted.) It was a wonderful gesture, to show it’s appreciation for...
Information disaster can happen to anyone. This week FileHold Systems learned that a hot water tank had been installed in the ceiling of our office prior to us moving into the building. The reason we learned about it is a seam opened up along the side of the tank and water poured into our office. Of...
A favourite sales story of mine is about a company who sold shop floor manufacturing equipment (lathes, saws etc.). The company wanted to grow its sales so it added a line of industrial ceiling lights to its product line. The idea was that the sales team, while doing sales work on the shop floor...
Stay paperless even when sending documents of a sensitive nature. Document management software is designed to make electronic documents useful; whether indexing, searching, or compliance are your organization’s focus, FileHold offers many features to maximize document utility. Another critical...
For some time, the FileScan Bridge has offered FileHold customers a standard feature for importing documents with metadata. Known as Manage Imports inside the desktop client, this feature makes it easy to integrate with image processing applications such as SmartSoft Capture™, Kodak Alaris Capture...
Search all your documents – even scans and faxes – like they were text. The Pain You need to digitize the back room of records. Dozens of years worth of data needs to be scanned, indexed, and entered into your digital library. Piles of banker boxes with long forgotten memos, reports, and minutes now...
Send documents from other programs right into FileHold by a click of the Print button. The Pain Your organization has decided to move to a paperless office. Now you are sending invoices electronically but you need to keep a historic record of each one. You end up printing each invoice, and then...


Follow your document retention policy with simple processes that work automatically to keep documents compliant The Pain Your organization has multiple departments with differing electronic document types and uses – and each one has its own timelines and requirements. Legal needs to make sure...
Take the guess work out of finding current documents. The Pain Your organization wants to move to a paperless system and has been using the server to store your documents. Although everyone can access and edit the documents, you can’t tell which are the most current. You cross-examine the document...
A not-so-random list of ways FileHold can help your organization adopt electronic documents, even when you must drag them into the modern world. We all know that “one person” in the office. Maybe they are from a different era, maybe they are set in their ways; they don’t adapt, and they expect...
A quick list of how FileHold can help adapt to a world of electronic documents when you have a team that’s onboard. Great organizations have a team of colleagues that are all looking for ways to do things better, to help each other, and realize that individual success means everyone succeeds. In...
Using FileHold DMS to bring information from the Boardroom to the Shop Floor. The manufacturing industry was once a consistent fixture in business. A factory would specialize in the production of a few limited items, with skilled specialist workers who focused on one part of the process. New...
Auto-filing can take documents from the FDA inbox, Manage Imports, Print to FileHold, the Microsoft Office integration, the Add Document Wizard, and the WebCap scanner inbox, and file them into the appropriate folders based on predefined values. This feature helps reduce misfiling and enables faster...
We recently had a prospective customer asking for a extremely simplified version of FileHold for their users. While most of our customers use the guest portal for this, this particular prospect wanted something even easier to use. Enter Mobile FileHold! Mobile FileHold was originally created to be...
FileHold can give the right people the right permission to find the right document. The Pain You work in IT at a medium sized accounting firm. Each accountant used to have their own cabinet for files, with their own lock and key. As the company has grown, these cabinets moved to a central filing...
Sometimes you need to automate an update of data in FileHold for a large number of objects. Of course, if the objects are documents, you can use tools like the mass metadata edit or some of our API example programs if you are changing metadata values. What if you want to mass approve a bunch of...
Find the information you need at the touch of a key. The Pain You supervise at an accounting firm. Your company went paperless last year, and now have FileHold Document Management software working for you. Your back file of paper has been transformed into a searchable library of documents. Now...