FileHold software automates project proposals and sign off by integrating with and using the document assembly in FileHold to create the project and courier to communicate with our customers. FileHold is an enterprise grade document management and document workflow solution that...
FileHold workflow is one of the most important features for adding efficiency and control to your processes. Ad hoc and predetermined assignment of tasks for users to perform on documents is a powerful mechanism to streamline your work with documents. When users go on leave they can tell workflow to...
FileHold is introducing “Workshop Wednesday” a weekly event to introduce or re-introduce FileHold features to both existing customers and prospective customers. These 30-to-45-minute training sessions will be conducted by members of the FileHold support team and the sales consultants. All sessions...
Full text search is a powerful concept, but sometimes it can be tricky to get exactly the results you want without manually sifting through documents that matched a simple search criterion to find the few or one result you really wanted. The good news is there are lots of methods to narrow your...
FileHold has helped thousands of users get away from their paper documents and into a fully digital platform to organize, search, and retrieve documents while ensuring they are under retention and backup. FileHold offers different ways to scan, process, and add those documents to the repository, and we want to ensure the best fit for each organization. So, how do you get started assessing scanning needs? This article suggests a set of evaluation tools that you can use to determine your overall scanning requirements. With these, FileHold can understand your needs and suggest the best possible strategy with the greatest efficiency. Converting physical media into data offers the “Five V’s of Big Data” approach to identifying the scope of your scanning needs: Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, and Value.
Disk space is cheap, why compress? This may be true, but why waste and it is not always true. If you think about storage on a global scale, there is significant environmental impact. More electricity, more cooling, more data centers, etc. Why contribute to that? What if disk space is not so cheap or...
We know that many of our FileHold customers have been anxiously awaiting the FileHold 16.3 release and so have we! There are a ton of new features and enhancements in this release that we want you to use. While you await your upgrade to the latest and greatest, we present a short video that takes...
We are deep into Fall 2021 in North America. The leaves are turning beautiful bright yellow, orange and red (and leaving me a big mess to clean from the yard) and a beautiful bright new version of FileHold is ready to drop. Version 16.3 is the last minor version we will see in the 16 line and the...
Some scientists clone cells, plants or even sheep. From time-to-time, FileHold administrators would like to clone objects in FileHold. The good news is that cloning a FileHold object is much simpler (and much less controversial) than cloning a living thing. There are some objects like workflow...
FileHold workflows generally operate without management intervention, but things happen in real life and the standard workflow reporting and dashboard provide methods to deal with departments that are overworked or employees that unexpectedly went on leave. Beyond that, organizations may have a...
It is easy to find documents that are stored in FileHold using the powerful search capabilities but how do you know what document have not been added and are missing? This article explains how to use the offline documents capability to search and determine what is present, pending, or missing.
Inefficient business practices are almost impossible to change once entrenched in organizational thinking. Sometimes, it’s the small ones that are the most difficult to change. FileHold has helped companies go paperless, replaced physical sign-offs with digital approval processes, and changed the...
So, you are doing some custom reporting and you need the archive date for a document. FileHold does not maintain an archive date directly in the document table, but it does have a field to indicate if the document is in the archive (IsArchive). In FileHold, you can archive or unarchive a document as...
Often, data lookup requirements for metadata values are simple. There is a single key value the user provides that can be used to find all other values. This is the easiest schema lookup to configure and requires minimal or no knowledge of database programming. When used with a key that is a...
FileHold contains a robust document control numbering system. It guarantees to give a document a unique number regardless of how or where it is added to the system. It is composed of a both a prefix and number. The number can be automatically or manually generated. It is efficient and effective, but...
The standard features of FileHold offer incredible value and allow organizations to do things they might not have even considered so we present a FileHold Feature FAQ. Today, let’s talk about Document Control Numbers!
For the last 14 years, FileHold software has been sold as a perpetual license with an optional ongoing support agreement. This allowed customers to buy FileHold and have a relatively low total cost of ownership (TCO) over the years. They also have the choice on whether to purchase support and...
For many years FileHold has provided an adaptable and flexible workflow feature that can be used in a wide number of use cases; from approving design documents to driving insurance underwriting processes. Starting with version 16.2 we have introduced an optional add-on that provides some of the most...
It has been a while since I last provided a product version update even though we have seen 16.1, 16.1.1 and now 16.2 so it is about time. Minor releases are generally about incrementally building on the last major release, but that does not mean that the new features are minor in capability or...
Step 1 – Buy FileHold Cloud or upgrade your on-premise system to FileHold Cloud. Step 2 – Log in from home; you’re done! Okay, that seemed a bit too easy, but what if you do not want to use FileHold Cloud for some reason and you will stick with your self-hosted solution? The good news is that the...